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Everything posted by JonHigh

  1. Sorry Elp. Is there a way to just stack the red channel in Autostakkert or PIPP?
  2. I dabbled with EAA using my ASI585 achieving surprisingly good results. I chiefly bought the IR Pass for Lunar captures. Also heard it’s good for auto guiding when not using it in the meantime. Interesting about the planets which was on my list for later this year. I’ll stick to my current filter setup then! Must admit I’m really looking forward to using the newly acquired filter! A big thank you to you all for your input, it really is appreciated! I’ll keep the 585 and continue using it as I am and put the money towards some other astro gear as there is always something else to get! 😂
  3. I hear that. Or clouds roll in when it was apparently meant to be clear!! Lol
  4. Thanks. This is the reason for my quandary as the camera is an awesome bit of kit and always been pleased with the results. Funnily enough I’ve literally just bought an Astronomik 642 IR Pass filter! Unfortunately the moon is too low now, obscured by trees 🙄
  5. I’m very happy with the 585 but I just felt that I might be missing something not going Mono. But by all accounts it’s apparently not as much as I thought… These are taken recently with the 585 save for Jupiter that was captured about a year and an half ago. The solar image was taken with my ETX90 with an Orion WL filter both about 25years old with a stacked Baader Solar Continuum and UV/IR cut filter. The lunar capture was taken with the EdgeHD at native FL with a Baader neodymium IR cut filter. Jupiter was taken with my SkyMax150 with an old Baader Uv/IR rejection filter. Thanks for your input by the way!
  6. Probably just desaturates! I will check it out though. So moving on from Solar to Lunar. Would you expect similar small benefits from the 585MC to 678mm using a 642IR Pass filter? I would just like to make sure I’m spending wisely rather than throwing money at something that is only going to be marginally better! Thanks and do appreciate the advice.
  7. Hi ya, Yup just white light with a Solar Continuum with a UV/IR cut filter. So if it’s a case where it’s only a slight improvement over and above then I might just leave it and continue to enjoy the 585. Maybe putting that money towards something else might be better spent. Out of interest would changing the mode from raw8bit to Mono8 make any difference? I ask as I’ve never used that mode before.
  8. Hi. Thanks for the reply. Probably should have qualified it better. I already have Hypercam 26C that I use for DSO’s on my triplet Frac and now EdgeHD 8” and I am extremely happy with it. This was specifically aimed for use with my EdgeHD, mainly Lunar and some planetary, solar captures. The 585 is an awesome and very capable camera. I know my technique is pretty much there but could always do with improving but in the end is spending the money on a mono really going to improve the overall output that dramatically where I will be pleased I spent £350 or more over and above what the 585 pushes out?
  9. Hey all. Hope someone can advise me… I have been using a ASI585MC that has produced excellent results whether it be captures of the Moon, Sun, Planetary or even some DSO’s. However, for what I want to do, mainly Lunar and Solar I know that capturing them using a mono camera produces better results purely because the camera is mono. That I get, so I’m looking at the ASI678MM thinking is this going to give £350+ worth of better results? Is it going to knock my socks off wondering what I’ve been missing all my life? Or will it just be slightly better? Value. I know it’s not as simple as that as physics plays a big part as well, as end user capabilities etc, but to speak plainly, is it worth spending the extra money to what I already have? Your thoughts and expertise are appreciated!
  10. Hi Pete. Thank you. I was very impressed with the result but really need to nail the focusing technique. Almost there I think! Any pointers would be appreciated. Very different to nighttime AP but enjoying taking images of our star! Yes, I must admit I have similar thoughts, I did think about an off-axis ERF but likewise what’s the point I might as well stick to the ETX90! However, I got the filter at half price so what the heck let’s give it a go! I was mad enough to do DSO AP with my SkyMak150 🤪 I be getting it next week so fingers crossed for clear skies. I wonder if an IR pass filter would help with the seeing?
  11. Hi All. Had a bit of time today, so set up my rig again with my trusty old ETX90. This time using my Baader Solar Continuum filter and behind that, I stacked the Baader Neodymium UV/IR cut filter attached to the ASI585 camera. Although had some focusing issues, it did make quite a noticeable difference. Getting a ERF for my EdgeHD so that should be fun!!!
  12. Hi Pete. Yup it’s the older version! Did look into replacing it with the newer one but can’t justify it right now, unless I find one going cheap! 😂
  13. Hi all. I have on occasion dabbled with Solar imaging with my ASI585MC attached to a 25+ year old ETX90 purely because I have a WL filter for it. I used a Baader Solar Continuum filter but after doing a bit of research, I found lots of people adding an IR Cut filter due to IR leaks. I have an old Baader UV/IR Rejection filter, also a Neodymium UV/IR cut filter as well which I use for lunar captures. So my question, which should I use for sharper/more detailed results and in which order should the filters be positioned for optimal results, if that makes a difference? Just a thought. I have a Lumicon OIII filter. How would that be compared to using the Baader SC Filter? Taken 2 mins at 30ms at gain 255 using SharpCap.
  14. I’ve ordered the PP642 at a good price and comes next week at some point. Thanks again for the input! just hope this awful weather clears! Almost forgot what month we are in!
  15. Hi Roy. Thank you for the info. Appreciated.
  16. Hi Roy. Lovely shots! Very detailed and sharp! Hope you can advise. I have recently bought an EdgeHD 8” and I have be looking at filters for imaging the Moon and later in the year planets using my ASI585mc. I have a Baader neodymium filter that I have been using with success but I am thinking about maybe getting the Baader 685nm ir pass filter or the ProPlanet to achieve sharper and more detailed results? Worth spending the money on or maybe a different filter as there seems to be many to choose from!
  17. The weather has been absolutely dire. Almost every time I think oooh. Its looks good but it’s not! Not at all. Indeed!!! M51 is one of my favourites but I do want to capture M63. Took it some time ago with my refractor and came out well but with the Edge it will look great 🤞🏻
  18. Thanks. Yup this scope has definitely got me back into Lunar imaging. Need to dig the Barlow out! I did attempt to capture M51 as first attempt at DSO with the EdgeHD but the weather was not playing ball so PHD2 was having major issues. Only got a couple of hours in the end. Plus I’m waiting for a Bahtinov Mask to arrive. Posted it on SGL a couple of weeks ago. By all accounts what I did get was impressive so happy days for the future if only this blessed UK weather would start to behave.
  19. Hi All. Just got round to processing the first lunar image taken with my trusty ASI585mc attached to the EdgeHD8 at prime focus. It’s a few weeks ago when I took it and wasn’t under the best conditions. Really looking forward to more opportunities and maybe Barlow it up?!
  20. Hi. Sorry for the delay in responding. that’s great. I will check it out. I believe they are aluminium ones from RVO
  21. Hi All, well being clearish out Sunday night, I got out my rig to capture M51 with the EdgeHD including the .7 reducer. Only got a couple of hours in before the clouds rolled in! Unfortunately I haven’t got a Bahtinov mask just yet so had to eyeball it. Slightly out but nevertheless I was still impressed of what this scope can do. Definitely need a focusing mask… Tried the star resynthesis function in Siril and work quite well at default settings but need to play with it!
  22. The trick is to slowing approach the exit pupil of the eyepiece and try and hold it in place as you move closer. 🤣 Having only owned Frac's and Maks, I absolutely understand where you're coming from. This thing destroys my 6" Mak looking at open clusters even at f10. I do get that having an extra 2 inches aperture makes a big difference but it's more than that. It's a feeling or look, a bit like comparing a Canon/Nikon lens with a Leica lens. World apart. So glad I didn't get the standard C8 and opted for the EdgeHD.
  23. Thank you. This was a quick hand held shot with held breath and surgeons hands! The Baader eyepiece makes it relatively easy. I did boost the contrast and sharpness a tad. It was a fantastic sight that night and was lucky to have caught it with that much detail. This EdgeHD8 is an awesome scope and I'm extremely happy with what I have seen so far, even just visually. Open clusters have most definitely had the 'WOW' effect! Trying to sell my SkyMax150. Might put it on here this weekend as well as the other sites. I have yet to get on with 'proper' imaging with it as I'm still working on fine collimation adjustment which is doing my head in. 🙄 and good enough weather!!!
  24. Hi All, As some may know, I have been attempting, with some success in capturing DSO’s with my SkyMax 150 but the time came when I realised that I really need a faster SCT for what I wanted to do. Not looking for one but I found an EdgeHD 8” at a reasonable price and pulled the trigger and bought it. First light out the other night just working out balancing, visual alignments and working out collimation but the clouds started to roll in so aimed it to the Moon, and WOW! Looking at the Moon, my Mak was definitely more contrasty but the detail in the 8” blew me away. However with anything that's new there’s a learning curve and this is my first SCT having only owned Mak’s and refractors. I took this quick shot with my iPhone through a Hyperion 24mm eyepiece. Had to get a photo in before putting it away. Really looking forward to clear skies again!
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