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Posts posted by lvan

  1. On 21/08/2021 at 18:12, MiladyB said:

    I'm curious as to how people transport their dobs. 

    I'm taking my Heritage 150p on a little trip and have been working out how best to secure and protect it in the car.

    I've seen photos of the larger ones buckled in like passengers in the back seat.

    I'm used to musical instruments being lugged around in padded or hard cases, so I was really surprised as a newbie that so many OTAs don't have them as a standard accessory!

    MiladyB x

    Wrap it in some hoodies or towels, use some socks in between the tube focuser if there's any play, put it in a back pack and find a spot to sensibly shove it amongst the luggage in the boot. You could always put it in a box if you're feeling overly precious.


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  2. On 28/09/2022 at 08:19, uk_friendly_fire said:

    How do I reduce the brightness and see more detail. Is it a matter of increasing magnification or using a filter of some kind of both?

    Upping the mag will do the trick. You're currently viewing at 20x, so the image will be very bright. A BST 5mm will put you at 100x which, should help significantly. Fwiw, i've been using an 8mm plossl with a barlow for planetary views in my 600mm length scope.

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  3. Should've known better than to mention the B-word around these parts... I believe a barlowed 20mm plossl bests a 10mm regardless of scope type. A barlow can be the cornerstone of the budget conscious eyepiece collection. The addition of 2 carefully chosen ep's and a barlow will give 6 useful magnifications that cover all requirements from finder to planetary, with items available to purchase immediately, within budget. One can then work out what they do or do not like before any further expenditure. You don't have to pay the earth to view the cosmos.


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    • Haha 1
  4. 9pm Tues. Vixen ED80SF on eq3-2 with eq5 tripod. Had to raise the tripod close to maximum extension to clear horizon. Still solid and sturdy, tripod upgrade win! Used the flip mirror diagonal in straight thru mode for comfortable viewing on garden chair. Viewed Saturn and Jupiter, sharp at 100x and ok at 150x. Used a wixey to adjust my alt and maneuvered above Mirach to view Andromeda first at 25x, then 50x. Nice.

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  5. Considering you have an HEQ5 ,the danger with the 127 is it may not be "serious" enough for you and would only serve as a fund draining stop gap. People have used 3x barlows with their ed80's to great effect on planets. You could experiment with this in the meantime whilst you save for the right scope for you.


  6. On 14/09/2022 at 14:01, jjohnson3803 said:

    I haven't done any, but I've been researching video observing for awhile.  My main reason, aside from horrendous light pollution at home, is that I don't want to deal with dragging out my laptop to observe.  I'm not inclined to deal with flats and darks and plate solving and yadda yadda yadda.  I'd like to just point my scope on a manual mount and see what the camera shows me. 

    People have suggested nightvision devices to get enhanced realtime views, but the prices for NV are way beyond my hobby budget.

    I'd probably go with one of the smaller Malincams since the Revolution II has gotten relatively poor reviews.


    In the imaging section there’s a sub division for smartphones / tablets. Dudes are getting decent results with smart phones, some without tracking. Maybe check that out first.

    • Thanks 1
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