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Posts posted by lvan

  1. I started with the 90/900 on an eq3-2, then got the Heritage 130 and lived with both at the same time. If space and transportation (even down 1 flight of stairs) comes into the equation, get the Heritage. If not, the refractor is a great shout. It's zero maintenance and ready to go at a moments notice. It will give a great image on planets as it has decent colour correction, much better than a barlowed 900/500. The 90/900 showed me a lot. However at times it felt a little under mounted on the EQ3-2. I wouldn't want to put it on a pronto. An AZ4 would work.

    FWIW, i acquired an ed80 and gave the 90 away. I still have Heritage as it's just useful to have around and disappears when you don't need it.

    Good luck with your choice.

  2. Top job. Last time I flew to South Africa I took my heritage 130p over (tube in backpack, flat packed base in hold-all) to view this target. I couldn’t believe how big it was. It’s massive!

    • Like 1
  3. 8 hours ago, Macavity said:

    These days, you'd need to define "Video"? lol. Sometimes think I was "seduced" far too EARLY? 🥳
    But I still have my Watec internal integrating Cameras - Around here somewhere. Were it not
    for "real life stuff", I might have followed the TRENDS re. technology / ideas? 😉

    These days, it's more of "hybrid thing"? Ever closer to *conventional* imaging?
    The appeal of "doing something different", rather less, these days? 🤔
    Sadly, "Video" CHIP technology is a thing of the past too?

    Word up. I like to think there’s plenty of chips for us to go around.

    When life happens, the cosmos will still be here tomorrow.

  4. 8 hours ago, jjohnson3803 said:

    I haven't done any, but I've been researching video observing for awhile.  My main reason, aside from horrendous light pollution at home, is that I don't want to deal with dragging out my laptop to observe.  I'm not inclined to deal with flats and darks and plate solving and yadda yadda yadda.  I'd like to just point my scope on a manual mount and see what the camera shows me. 

    People have suggested nightvision devices to get enhanced realtime views, but the prices for NV are way beyond my hobby budget.

    I'd probably go with one of the smaller Malincams since the Revolution II has gotten relatively poor reviews.


    I hear you. You’ll need some form of tracking though, some would goto as minimum. The Revolution doesn’t seem that bad. If it gets you started…



    • Thanks 1
  5. 8 hours ago, PeterC65 said:

    I'm not sure whether it should be called video astronomy or EAA, but I've started experimenting with an astro camera and laptop over the summer. I'm using a 72mm F6 APO refractor on an AZ GOTO mount connected to the laptop via USB which i running SharpCap. My aim is to get close to real time images. So short exposure times and live stacking, and certainly live video for setting up and framing the image. Does that count?

    So far I'm seeing way more than I can through an eyepiece, and it is nice to be able to observe from inside, without having to worry about dark adaption, and to share the experience.


    If it floats your boat it counts. I don’t know why but I like to be do my video outside under the stars, don’t quote me that next winter!

  6. Sticking with what you've got for a moment. You could convert your eq3-2 into altaz mode (set dec to 90). It would be a lot simpler to use with a newt. This will be better than an AZ5.

    If this works and you're satisfied then, since you've already invested in the mount, upgrade the tripod with the eq5 version. It'll be rock solid. The ability to switch between EQ and AZ mode gives you options.

    Regarding goto, you could use your mobile for push-to functionality. I attach my phone holder to one of those holes in the tube rings using a photographic screw-thingy. I've used this with relative success on SkySafari, but there's a new app in town called PS Align Pro, where the maker has focused on this functionality with the ability to offset the inaccuracy in your phone.

    If you want to do EAA you need a goto mount. Again, you could convert your eq3, or keep as your manual and buy a dedicated goto mount. I find it useful to have both. It's nice to have options.



    • Thanks 1
  7. 4 hours ago, RobertI said:

    Sounds like a nice relaxing way to do EAA though. 

    It is. If it's not simple stupid, i ain't gonna do it.

    If i were to stumble upon this now, the mere mention of lodestars, laptops and software would be a turn off.

    For now i guess it's just me and my mate Wilson...hope he doesn't wash away.

  8. I’m still rocking the LN300 on a 7” LCD with a powerbank velcro’d to my mount.
    I work on a laptop all day, so taking one into the “field” is not my idea of a good time.  Each to their own. Anyway, it would be nice to know I’m not alone. Anyone else out there still doing video astronomy?

    Would be great to hear about your rig!

  9. Here’s my submission:


    ED80SF riding an eq3-2 in altaz mode with tripod upgrade. The original alu tripod has been retrofit to the skyprodigy for my goto / video astro set up. I use with NPL plossls. I find the flip mirror useful for visual as, when I raise the tripod higher for objects low on the horizon, I can put the finder up on the diagonal then switch to a shorter focal ep in the “straight through” end. Saves changing ep’s. There’s solar filtration on the lens cap hence the black velcro marks. It compromises the aesthetics somewhat but better safe than sorry. Clear skies.

    • Like 7
  10. +1 for the Heritage 130. It's light, easy to set up, easy to use, easy to pack away, easy to store, it's affordable, it's decent aperture, it's apochromatic, it will show you a lot, you can take it on the bus, you can carry it with one hand to the park, you can flat pack it and take it abroad on holiday. If the hobby takes off and you acquire other scopes you'll still have a use for it. If you have one, there's no excuse not to observe. If you don't have one, you're probably not observing as much as you could be. I don't even like dobs, i prefer refractors but in my opinion this is a no brainer.

    • Like 2
  11. Wow. Nice report. I’ve come to the conclusion globs are my favourite DSO, so I’m in the process of building an 8inch newt as an experiment for exactly this target. If it fails I may have to bite the bullet and get something larger in a commercial offering. In the meantime, perhaps I should do a review of M13 with an ED80 in Zone 3 London. You know, just to balance it out a bit.

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