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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Everything posted by Gina

  1. Corrected end code and adjusted a few other parameters in slic3r including speed at 4x what it was before. Print is moving as fast as the carriages did for homing and bed probing and printing even better. Printer is working fine now - just wants a bit of tweaking for best performance
  2. Finished and looking good though the print has lifted off the bed at the corners. Also the end g-code is not working correctly.
  3. Now half-way through the last three layers and about 10mm high So the print looks correct even if the information isn't
  4. Something a bit wrong - the Duet is showing but it should be 10mm and Layer: 31 of 333. OTOH it's 73% done and has 20-30m left. Most of that will be the top 3 layers as it's already around 9mm high.
  5. A couple of photos, nearly finished layer three and going on to layers with infill. Not sure "star" is the most economical infill pattern.
  6. I've noticed a couple of things that could do with improving on this printer - the drums are not a really close fit on the motor shafts and are showing a runout of something like 0.5mm and the Z wheels want adjusting as there's a small amount of slack on the rails.
  7. I'm not sure it actually is printing at 60mm/s - doesn't seem quite as fast as with the Titan printer at that speed. I think I could increase the speed further. The Duet says this print will take 4 hours
  8. Now printing a block 100x100x10mm with 60mm/s internal print speed, slower for perimeters, and 80mm/s for infill. Going well though the first layer isn't perfect. Maybe finger marks or other muck on the bed. Haven't cleaned it for a while.
  9. Printing the 30mm cube now at twice the printing speed and it's looking fine. Here's a photo.
  10. Put the Z offset back to zero in slic3r and it seems fine now though not finished printing yet.
  11. Print came off the bed - probably wants the Z offset changing. This is set both in slic3r and the Duet. I doubt this is right.
  12. It did the bed probing twice this time Doesn't matter... I'll try a bigger cube next and maybe try increasing the speed back to the standard though at 60mm/s that might be a bit too fast. The default "star" infill in slic3r is interesting
  13. Bed released the cube and now running the new gcode.
  14. Looking good Now to try my slic3r mods. After this has cooled enough to remove the cube from the bed.
  15. I'm letting the current print finish as it looks good Meanwhile, I've been setting up slic3r and added my start and end g-code copied from the ABS versions for my Titan printer. But it looks like using slic3r instead of CuraEngine has cured the problem
  16. Seems to be printing alright but didn't do bed probing so I'll have to add the pre-print g-code.
  17. That's a lot better but insufficient extrusion so I'll put the extrusion speed back up to what I think it should be. Speed seems alright
  18. Trying again with main printing speeds reduced.
  19. Here's a screenshot of slic3r - can you see anything wrong?
  20. Total rubbish!!! Ultra slow printing except where it went from top to bottom and vice versa. All the time extruding fast! Hence the pile up of filament!
  21. Yes, I will. Downloaded the Linux version to my Linux Mint desktop, loaded the 20mm cube stl file and saved the gcode to the Duet Print folder. Uploaded and now running the gcode. Slic3r was blindingly fast seemed to produce the gcode instantaneously
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