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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Everything posted by Gina

  1. Looking at calibration values for the Duet WiFi now :- XY motor drums are 20mm diameter and motors are 200steps/revolution. Circumference = 20xPi so steps/mm = 200/(20xPi). Or in micro-steps is 200x16/(20xPi) = 160/Pi = 50.93. For the Z drive shaft diameter is 10mm so µsteps/mm = 101.86xR, where R is the gear ratio.
  2. Gathering data for the Duet from the Arduino Mega. X=59.5s/mm, Y=59.5s/mm, Z=515s/mm, E=418.5s/mm. Z probe offset=-2.5mm. I'll have to measure the Z probe XY offsets.
  3. One thing I think I will add to this printer is panels to enclose it so that I can extract fumes from ABS etc.
  4. The Z carriage when populated by the drive motors, Y carriage and X carriage with extruder, motor and hotend etc. also weighs quite a lot! I now have it strung from the cross-bar axle on the top of the printer. I takes a lot of power to hoist it up. I think I shall need a higher gear ratio than the 4:1 I have ATM. I took quite a lot of finger power to wind the Z carriage (XY frame) up from the bottom to the top. I can easily design and print new gear to give a higher ratio. Of course, it is very much lighter the the print bed. ATM the weight will just about drive the motor with no drive current - with a higher gear ratio that won't happen and it will stay put even without power. Here's a photo of the top part of the printer with Z drive and Z carriage.
  5. Handling printer parts this size is not easy, for instance the Z carriage is 700mm x 610mm (27.5" x 24" or 2ft 3½in x 2ft).
  6. Y carriages printed and attached to the X rail and the wheels fit the Y rails perfectly Can't thread up until I add the X carriage. I think I'll test the operation with the X carriage from my "Pilot" printer first - I can attach the cords to it fairly easily but will probably design and print a new X carriage later.
  7. Gone back to ABS to check that it still prints alright - it does but maybe not quite perfectly. Of course, 3D printers alway take a fair bit of setting up - comes with the territory
  8. Changed config.g accordingly ; Heaters M305 P0 T100000 B3950 C0 R4700 ; Set thermistor + ADC parameters for heater 0 M143 H0 S150 ; Set temperature limit for heater 0 to 150C M305 P1 T100000 B4388 C0 R4700 ; Set thermistor + ADC parameters for heater 1 M143 H1 S300 ; Set temperature limit for heater 1 to 300C
  9. The Titan has the old sort of hotend thermistor but the Mini has the new cartridge type. The bed thermistors are integral with the bed heater pad. Don't know whether hotend or bed is the trouble (or both). My Duet is set as :- M305 P0 T100000 B4138 C0 R4700 which does seem to be wrong - wonder where B4138 came from. Looking at the bed heaters, where specified gave this :- I'll change the bed thermistor setting. Now to the hotend thermistor. Been on E3D web site and found instructions for Duet. Using the online configuration tool, the thermistor used by E3D is shown. Strangely the  (beta) value changes on applying the values.
  10. Been trying PETG but having problems. Not sticking to bed. I suspect the temperature calibration differs between my Titan and Mini printers. Thermistors are far from accurate. Probably better to start from scratch with the recommended temperatures. Someone posted a chart with lots of filament type but I can't find it now.
  11. Printing new Y carriages and 4th pulley block for Z drive. Should be ready the attach the cords shortly.
  12. Having assembled the Z carriage and tested it, it seems insufficiently rigid for three cords to be sufficient to keep it level with the moving weight of the X carriage assembly. I shall therefore change to a four cord system like I have with the Mini printer. This just means printing another pulley block and finding the 12th pulley.
  13. I have cut the spare extrusion pieces I have to the right length for the Z carriage and assembled the latter. I still have the piece for the Y carriage to cut to length.
  14. Since I added 130mm to X but only 30mm to Y when increasing the main frame size, I am changing the Z carriage (XY frame) arrangement to maximise the Y axis - adding 40mm to Y and taking 40mm off X resulting in increasing X by 90mm and Y by 70mm over the previous design. I don't expect to print on the whole 500x500mm bed as the edge is bound to be a bit cooler than the area with the heater but the border can be used for probing and allowing for two nozzles. Here are two diagrams showing the old and new arrangement of the frame corners and wheels.
  15. Well, I shouldn't be - 12 bought and 11 needed by my counting up! Later :- Found one
  16. Done the main frame complete with Z drive axle, bearing blocks, motor, gears and pulley blocks. Only thing is that I seem to have run out of pulleys...
  17. The items have arrived from ooznest including the 700mm long rails for the main frame which I've started installing. Shouldn't be long before I get the frame re-built and the Z drive installed. Then I have two rails to cut to make up the new size Z carriage (aka XY frame). Taking things relatively steadily today after an exhausting day yesterday
  18. I have also used this printer with ASA and Nylon successfully. It has been my"workhorse" printer recently since my "Pilot" printer was having problems. The "Pilot" has now been dismantled and replaced by my "GinaRep Mini" 3D printer which is virtually finished and working very well. The large size of this printer is really too much for the living room which I am tending to return to normal use rather than a workshop, having mostly cleared out the room I want to use as a workshop. Hence the Titan printer will be going in the workshop. With this in mind, requiring remote operation and the results of using a more advanced control system on my Mini printer, I am about to upgrade from Arduino Mega and RAMPS to the Duet WiFi control board. This uses a web interface with total remote control from a web browser.
  19. The WiFi is now working fine with the new access point As I suspected the whole problem with the WiFi was inadequate signal strength. So that's everything working fine - just a matter of a little bit of tidying up - fixing wiring runs mostly. After that I shall adjust the settings in Slic3r to optimum for the various types of filament I use. I'm quite happy with Slic3r so far.
  20. Ordered some heavy duty ribbon cable for the motors - the other wires (except perhaps the hotend heater) can be handled by the light duty ribbon cable I already have. Ribbon Cable - 4A - 3D Printer Stepper Motors - Heavy Duty 4Amp Wire - 20AWG
  21. I've had a look at the X carriage off the Pilot printer (now dismantled) and I could probably put that straight on the Giant with a few minor mods. The wires are just about long enough and certainly would be if I reduced the height capability a bit. I won't be building any very large items on it until I buy a Volcano hot end for it. There will be a considerable number of wired going from the Z carriage and XY frame up to the controller. Extruder motor - 4 - XC Hotend heater - 2 - XC Fan - 2 - XC Thermistor - 2 - XC A motor - 4 - F B motor - 4 - F X endstop - 3 - YC Y endstop - 3 - F Z probe - 3 - XC Total :- 27. Those they will be in two or three groups - X carriage, Y carriage, Frame - 13, 3, 11. The Y carriage (X endstop) and frame could be combined giving a bundle of 13 from the X carriage (Extruder) and 14 from the frame. Maybe some flat multi-way cable but thicker than what I've got ATM which is too small to carry 2.4A with low enough volt drop.
  22. Two endstops found for the X and Y axes (the Z uses the Z probe which I also have) so I'm ready to print brackets for them. The other main component required is the X carriage. I think I shall just design a single extruder one for the time being - I can make a new one for a dual extruder arrangement later.
  23. Designed and printed the three pulley support blocks for the Z cords.
  24. Second Z axle bearing block printed fine It's looking like the printable height may be something like 800mm or maybe more but I won't really know until I get the main build complete. The design is beginning to come together
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