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  1. Hello Bill, 

    Just tested my Arduino without the sensors connected & get the same error you're getting (I'm using SGPo)... once you have all your components do a pre-build test & let me know if you still have issues.



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    2. whipdry


      All looking good, shame about the error... if it was a USB issue you might find upon reconnection the com port has changed, (usually increases by one) it happened to me a few times & was always a USB connection error. h

      I'm interested to know what temperature was your IR sensor giving you? 



    3. A320Flyer


      I think the problem is down to my soldering skills (or lack). I tried multiple times to solder the pins to the IR sensor and I probably caused heat damage. I have ordered another one so I’m not giving up just yet.😊

      I can’t remember the IR readings I was getting but I will make a point of recording them if I get it going again. It’s all good fun.


    4. whipdry


      Quick snapshot of mine running tonight, you can ignore where it reads... 


      Overcast or Fog 

      that never changes! 


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