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Bernd Nies

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Everything posted by Bernd Nies

  1. It was pure luck. I just wanted to try timelapse and have seen the flare in postprocessing. It just lasted about an hour. If I knew it was coming I would have made a timelapse witth short video sequences per interval to get sharper pictures. 😄
  2. 970 single 16bit frames (1000 actual ones, but there were some clouds) with 20 seconds interval (circa 5.5 hours). Lunt LS60T + ASI 178MM. CME starts at 0:19 (11:53 - 13:06 UT) Postprocessing with Lightroom for enhancing shadows and contrast, export to 8bit PiPP for aligning the images and LRTimelapse for creating the video. PiPP did a better job in stabilizing than ImPPG.
  3. Phantastic picture! I recently tried them visually with a 300 mm f/4 Dobsonian. IC 410 with the dark clouds was clearly visible with O-III filter but from IC 405 which looks as bright on pictures, nothing could be seen that night. https://www.deepskycorner.ch/obj/ic405.en.php https://www.deepskycorner.ch/obj/ic410.en.php
  4. Also M 101 is easy to find. https://www.deepskycorner.ch/m101/m101.en.php Get a Telrad finder, a star chart and learn the constellations. Finding stuff that way is a much more rewarding experience than any goto mount.
  5. M 51 is an easy to find and see. https://www.deepskycorner.ch/m51/m51.en.php
  6. I had some polish left from polishing an acryl underwater camera dome port and could get the surfaces clean again. Maybe some low abrasive tooth paste with a low RDA value would do it as well.
  7. Just took my Lunt LS60T with B1200 out of the box and wondered about the low contrast. The front blocking filter is all fogged up. I bought it in 2017. They are currently at pre-order only: https://luntsolarsystems.com/product/blue-glass-for-lunt-blocking-filters/ for USD 8.75 plus USD 160 shipping costs ...
  8. Hello, If you need some observing inspiration for the long, cold winter nights: Here's a collection of over 400 deep-sky objects, with historical and physical background information, photographs, drawings, finder charts and visual descriptions, compiled by a group of Swiss amateur astronomers: https://www.deepskycorner.ch/index.en.php Clear skies! Bernd
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