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Posts posted by Jeff5567

  1. Hi,


    I'm Jeff. Started this hobby properly about 2 years ago & as I work a rotation of 4 weeks on/4 weeks off, the practice is sometimes slow 😀. Split my time between Middle East (work), Southern Kenya (my home) near Tsavo Park & UK (my other home). I only have my scopes in Kenya, so there are gaps in posts

    SGL has been a great place to gain inspiration, & some of the images I've seen here are absolutely amazing! The crowd here are friendly & willingly share advice from years of experience. Thank you

    Hoping to progress however, as l'm 3° south of the equator I have to settle with my humble Skywatcher AZ GTI (which is pretty cool for the price) until I suss out how to polar align when I can't see the north or South Pole stars 😅

    Thanks, & take care

    • Like 2
  2. On 25/08/2023 at 10:01, Ratlet said:

    Fantastic images.  What was the capture process/camera?

    Cheers. ZWO 174mm, sharpcap, best 30% of 2000 frames,  Autostakkert,  slight sharpening in IMPGG, Topaz denoise & Affinity photo....

  3. Seeing is always poor to appalling where I am, but at least I don't get cold & its dark at 7pm every night 😅. Best 20% of only 2000 frame, Mak 127 & MC224. Looks a bit 'yellowy" to me. Any comments on improvements are most welcome 

    Saturn 3.jpg

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  4. 9 hours ago, FenlandPaul said:

    I think you can be super happy with that as a first attempt, Jeff! Is that from Kenya? Must be great to have the core parallel with the horizon like that, rather than stuck in the light polluted murk of this part of the world!!

    Thanks Paul, yes from Kenya & we're 3 degrees south. Just a 2min walk at the back of the house. I'll keep practicing & next time maybe take a few shots to stack......👍

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