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Everything posted by Starprincess1966

  1. hi  Cornelius Varley,

      I am glad that you viewed my profile, I hope that we can become friends, and  talk about topics dealing with space, and that I might be able to ask questions, if I have any questions to ask.

  2. Starprincess1966


    hi my name is Chris Hart-Martin, I am a wife and homemaker,I like to read and I am a Amateur astronomer, I love anything having to do with space, I watch the nasa channel a lot especialley when they our broadcasting spacewalks, I have a telescope but cant use it till spring,and cant wait till spring gets here,I wish winter were over, so that I can get back out on my porch, and see what plants that I can find. I am looking to make friends on this forum, and want to join one or two groups in this forum, I may not be on line every day, but will get online as much as I possible can and I want to get involved in group discussions as much as possible, that way I can meat new people,and possible make new friends
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