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Everything posted by Kristof

  1. Hello SGL members, I randomly stumbled across the ad for this challenge in perfect timing, just a few days after my camera obscura completed one year long exposure. I built my own camera obscura (or also pinhole camera) in summer 2020. The main design idea was to make it automated and simple enough, so that I can just leave it fixed for a year and have the result. I mounted a simple DC motor which moves a shutter. The Arduino microcontroller drives the motor at full hours every day, such that it opens the shutter and exposes a sheet of paper for analog photography. A nice and fun DIY project. Some details and pictures are on my webpage, which is only in Slovene for now, try automatic page translation: https://kristofskok.splet.arnes.si/solarogrami/tehnika/ And some other analog shots: https://kristofskok.splet.arnes.si/solarogrami/ This is my first try of capturing an analemma, but for sure not the last. It was recorder in time frame 1.1.2021 - 1.1.2022, so I hope it counts for the competition.
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