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Everything posted by Jjmorris90

  1. Hi everyone last night I took 30x30sec exposures. i was hoping to capture the horsehead nebula and the flame nebula. ive tried to edit in siril but I keep getting these huge grey marks on the photo. Any advice this is after background removal and green removal
  2. Hi all this evening I managed to record Jupiter for about 10 minutes 10x1min videos i put the videos in lynkeos to choose the best frames but every single one is blurred. My setup canon 700d Sky-Watcher explorer 200p no Barlow lens Whilst I can achieve focus without the Barlow I believe it may have been a mistake on this occasion. it looked clear in the live view but on a computer when I zoom in it’s just a fuzz ball. i don’t get it.
  3. Thank you! Ordered a bhav mask. Hopefully it will help.
  4. Could anyone figure out what mine would be ? ive got a canon 700d skywatcher 200p explorer also if I get a tracking mount will it solve this issue ?
  5. I did think so. Even though I’m only tapping the screen it’s probably still causing a shake.
  6. I’m using a skywatcher explorer 200p and a canon 700d Should I have used a Barlow lens?
  7. Hi all. this is my first shot of the Orion Nebula. i think it’s ok. But could be better. i tried stacking but didn’t understand how to use it. And every image seemed to have some sort of blur. I don’t know if it would be a tracking issue or my slight tap on the camera screen to take the photo. I have attached two other photos of the ones I was going to use stacking with but they’re just ever so slightly blurred. The exposure of each shot was around 3 seconds. Anything longer and they start to blur even more so I’ve ordered the mask for the scope also. any advice appreciated.
  8. Hi everyone. I recently had a powerseeker 127eq but I sold that and got something with a bit more ‘umpth’ i now have a skywatcher 200p 5eq. ive got a canon 700d and I’m wondering what kind of settings I’d need to capture the Orion Nebula etc. i have all the necessary adapters.
  9. Hi all i just got one of these cameras from Amazon. ive plugged it into my mac and it just won’t work. I’ve tried oacapture and astrodmx oacapture says unable to connect astrodmx says access denied. ive downloaded an application called manycam which finds the camera and displays it on the screen. i can only assume this is a software permission issue? as both the former are from untrusted developers according to apple. And I get a warning when I try open them.
  10. Thanks for the reply. I took another picture of a star though they just appear as a shiny blur is this how all stars appear ?
  11. Right, I’ve been given from a very kind neighbour the following eyepieces 6MM barlow x2 barlow x3 What will these been good for? in addition to my 10mm and 20mm do I need any others?
  12. I was viewing tonight and it’s fairly complicated. Haha. Had to take a break. Though I managed to capture this star. I believe Sirius. Oh and the moon. i assume Stars can’t be captured clearly?
  13. Thank you for the replies. you’re right, for now I will focus on learning how to use the telescope. It looks ever so complicated. Wish me luck lol. im in the East Midlands. In a Little village which is pitch black at night. just waiting for a clear night now. il check out the moon later and see if one of the pieces is correcting. thanks!
  14. Hello everyone. ive just been gifted a Celestron powerseeker 127eq. It came with two 20mm lenses and one 10mm lens. i haven’t managed to use it yet as it’s pretty cloudy. I’d love to be able to see Saturn and perhaps Jupiter. I’m unsure what lenses I need? I’ve read a lot about a Barlow lens? If anyone could shed any light. Thanks :)
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