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Everything posted by Jjmorris90

  1. Does anyone have an asi air ? If so what does it mean by bin1 bin2 bin3 bin4? It appears on the right under the capture button.
  2. Thanks for the reply. They did not calibrate out
  3. I just discovered my camera lens is covered with dust. I blew it off and took another flat and no sign of these donuts. Though I assume they will be present in every image taken up to this point ?
  4. So do I need to do anything about it being off centre?
  5. I don't know what I was expecting lol. Shouldn't it be more centered? How can I get rid of the dust?
  6. Using the white t-shirt method and the sky as a light source. The light never seems to be directly in the centre. No matter what I do. Perhaps a secondary mirror issue? Also what are those donuts. The camera is in focus. Lastly the image has been autostretched. Asiair Asi183mc pro
  7. Last night i encountered the most bizarre issue. I was polar aligned and good to go so I started guiding on asiair. Within a few seconds the stars that it was tracking (with the little green circles) were out of line. It seemed the mount wasn't moving. Everything was connected as it should have been. I'm using a 60 mm 240 guidescope with asi120mm mini I managed to capture a screen shot. The settings are Calibration 2000 Max durations 1000
  8. Hey I've got a skywatcher and asi183mc pro At the minute the sun seems to be visible more than the stars at night (bloody clouds). Now I won't be looking directly into the eyepiece as I have asiair. Does this mean I do not need a solar filter? Thanks
  9. Okay thank you for your help. I tried that plug-in on adobe but it didn’t make much of a difference. il cover the dslr viewfinder and try again.
  10. Aha i will give it a Go. Thanks for looking. il block the viewfinder next time. And how can I take flats at night? thanks
  11. this is the stack before any processing. uncropped I've selected RGB and autostretch only
  12. sure. here is one of the flats. IMG_2741.CR2
  13. I took the flats by pointing the scope at the sky and covering it with a white T-shirt. I used AV mode. Same iso. Camera determined shutter speed
  14. I didn’t know I could do it without flat frames in siril?
  15. Oh. I’ve read that you can take flat frames by pointing the telescope at the sky and covering the scope with a T-shirt ?
  16. This is what I got after taking new frames
  17. Thanks for the reply. the flats I have just look like a white blank light. No difference throughout. il take new ones as I think they are over exposed.
  18. Ah that must be it! Lol. The flat frames I took are just pure light. Is that incorrect ?
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