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M101 The Pinwheel Galaxy


Date taken: 21 and 23 March 2020. Camera: Astro-Modified Canon 600D. Telescope: SW Esprit 100 with Field Flattener and Baader U-HCS filter. Mount: AZ-AQ6 mount Image: 60 light subs (3 minute with 15 sec interval) with master dark, Flat and bias each made from 80 subs. Comments: The Pinwheel Galaxy is a favourite goto object for me. There is good detail here but not quite beating my image obtained in Salisbury a few years ago. There is no substitute for a dark sky. The larger FoV of the Esprit 100 does capture the smaller galaxies in the background well though. I may try to add more subs to this one.


D Elijah


© D Elijah
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I took my first image last weekend, same object. :) 

Yours looks much, much better. I have "some" learning to do. Before I get to that level.. Im going to do new flats ect. To see if I can get a better result from my lights. 

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@Rocket Stars Thanks for the kind comments! I think good flats make a big difference. My image is suffering because there is a street light making the right side of the image slightly brighter. 

@BrendanC When I used a short interval (1-5 second) I found that there was residual charge left in the pixels from the previous exposure which causes weird effects in the next image. 15 seconds allows any charge to dissipate before the next image is taken. I use the interval for my Darks, Flats and Bias frames as well. I wrote a post about the issue a while back.

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Very interesting, thanks. I use a 3-second interval but only to avoid mirror-shock (I use a DSLR too). 

Edited by BrendanC
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Im fighting streetlamp too! :)

Intresting about intervals, Have to check if there is a setting in Sharpcap for that! 

Steep lerningcurve, as everybody else says. :) 


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