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2018-09-07 Triangulum Galaxy (M33)


After familiar targets of ending summer, I had my second go at this subject. My first try was a disaster, with the alt-az preventing subs long enough to capture useful signal; The EQ being more stable (despite bad PA) I could extend subs to catch this more satisfying result.

Making progress, more subs to be added later.

Gear: Olympus E-PL6 with Skywatcher 130PDS 632mm/4.86 and SWCC at f/4.55 on Omegon EQ-300 tracking RA
Capture: 41 average lights × 40s × 3200 ISO, master dark
Site: deep country 26km from Limoges, France
Sky: good (given bortle class 3, usual sqm 21.4)
Processing: Regim 3.4, Fotoxx 12.01+


© Fabien COUTANT
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From the album:

Other (Narrow field, DSO, EQ)

· 16 images
  • 16 images
  • 4 image comments

Photo Information

  • Focal Length 0 mm
  • Exposure Time 40/1
  • f Aperture f/1.0
  • ISO Speed 3200

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