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Veil Nebula (SH2-103)


A bi-colour image with Ha mapped to red and OIII to blue. Synthetic green was generated by Noel Carboni's actions. I found that the data was challenging to process since it was quite noisy, it would have been good to have more subframes, but I quite like the overall result.  I decided to introduce a bit of colour contrast so the upper part of the image has more red and the lower more brown. 

Apart from the Veil filaments, two bonus items to look out are a "flaming skull" (bottom left) and a "miniature blue lightening storm" (bottom center).

LIGHTS: 11 Ha; 6 OII x 1800s. DARKS: 30; FLATS:40; BIAS: 100 all at -20C.


From the album:

Deep Sky II

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A really great image Alan. I really like that faint thin strand of gas moving across the upper centre of the pic, and where is passes through a ring of gas to the right.


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