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9x50 finderscope and Spc900?




Just attempting to pick someones brain with this, I was wandering whether anyone has done this (ie used finderscope as guider with webcam)and what parts are needed to do the job(specifically to SW 200 ref). Everytime i pop to B&Q i but some form of plumbing equipment but still no such luck.



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There seems to he a lot of people doing this on SGL, your not the only one that's intrigued buddy. Think you definatley need LE on webcam but have heard good feedback on this, if it works will save a lot of extra weight on the mount. Managed to do this in polar scope just really need to incorporate into viewfinder, come on peeps spill some beans ha ha.

Rich t

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i` ve seen it done, not sure what size the finder scope was but i should imagine that the bigget the finder the better, you can get a philips webcam and an adapter that can be fitter to the finder instead of the bit you look through.

it might be worth a post in the diy section of the forum for a better qualified answer than mine

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