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Saturn, 9th April....wow.



So, two weeks after getting my scope I finally got the clear night I've been waiting for! I know there's been a few clear nights lately but I've been waiting for a clear Saturday night so I didn't have to worry about getting up early for work the next day. Anyway, about half 11 last night i stuck my head out the window to see how clear it was and yes! Not a cloud in the sky. Out i went and a quick scan of the sky with my iphone app showed me saturn was in full view, just drifting over the roof of my house into perfect view from my back garden, just above and to the right of Spica. Unfortunately theres a streetlight right outside my front garden, so i have to wait until it drifts around the back before i even have a chance of decent viewing.

So i hastily set up the new nexstar 130 and got it into my field of view using just the 25mm that came with the scope, just able to make out the rings i was already well impressed with what i could see. After setting up the auto tracking and centering Saturn in the eyepiece i got the 9mm lense with the 2x barlow out, slotted it into the eyepiece and needless to say, i was blown away. The clarity of the rings was unbelievable, better than i ever imagined. I also swung around for a quick look at the moon before it sank below the horizon, and again, was blown away at the amount of detail i could see just with the 25mm. Cant wait for the full moon on the 17th, just hope its clear. Anyway the moon vanished so i swung back round to saturn for one last look before calling it a night, just as my mum and brother returned home from work. they both had a quick gaze and couldnt believe it was real. we were all dumbfounded by saturns beauty. even my brother, who is the more materialistic type, not usually bothered about anything other than facebook or shopping, said seeing it 'made him feel special'.

It really was an enjoyable night for me, and now im thinking of attempting some photography , i just need to buy a suitable camera. As i discovered last night, the iphone camera just doesnt suffice!


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I'm like you in the fact that I prefer viewing on the weekends since I do not have to wake up early the next day. Saturn is indeed very beautiful and I was completely taken aback when I first saw it.

I do not prefer viewing the moon when it is full since the glare of the reflected light seems to "wash away" the details. I prefer the waning and waxing stages myself. Keep the passion alive and don't forget to share.


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Keep your fingers crossed for clear skies on the 3rd May (I think), new moon! I love looking at the moon through a variety lens/filter combos but I also like having the regular new moon so I can observe more of the sky.

I too saw Saturn through my new 'scope just last week. Makes it all worth while. One day I'll even set my EQ mount up properly and try tracking it better. I viewed through a 6mm and you get about 6 seconds before it's out of FOV. :)

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@ idlelimey.saturn is a fav of mine esp with dif color filters ,i use for staurn and have had some great results ,violet No47#,

light green No56#,and the on that gives the best view is yellowgreen No11#,blue No80a#

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Great tip! It's always good to hear which filters people are trying out. I have a #80A and #56 in my filter pack so I'll give them a go. No #11 but I have #12 which I use more often for Saturn. Would there be much of a difference?

No chance of clear skies here (Colchester, UK) tonight though :(

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give them a try a spent about a week test in all 12 filters a have and the fore mentioned work for m all tests were on the 12" dob

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ps the street light that gives ya hasslw get somw long nose pliers and turn the triangle shaped nut,the cove will come of ,there a on of switch ,turn it of for 15 mins,turn back on,replace cover .the light will take 3 hours to light back up plenty of view in time repaet the above i do it all the time usally after 12 at night

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Thats not a bad idea with the streetlight! i may try it, and while im at it i think i'll sabotage every halogen security light in my neighborhood too.

What exactly are filters used for? Do they just alter the colour of the images you see? Or is there more to it than that?

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whysosirus,hi use filters for planets mainlyi have a couple a others for neb ectbut color ones are great a have 12 multi colored ones last night i used green blue light yellow on the moon they bring out diferent features and let you have another view of the target i have some pics of the moon a did the other day a will post them later and you will see how they look cheers pat

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