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Third lecture tonight



Tonight on my Observatory course it is our third lecture - "Covering the Night Sky" and I have been wishing away the hours. although the cloud here is awful and there will be no chance of getting any scopes out I just don't care as I will be learning and be around other people that have the same interest and excitment as I do for the subject.

I bought "Turn Left at Orion" for a fiver off someone at work - her husbands and have been reading that a lot, also trying to get my head round stellarium and for whatever reason havig problems with it but hoping they cover it a little tonight and it will make more sense. If they dont I am going to ask the staff after.

One more week till pay day then I can order my binos - looking forward to that.


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Another inspirational read MrsR... You transmit your excitement through your words !!! I found 'Turn Left at Orion' a valuable aid to finding my way around the night skies and I hope you will be thrilled with what you will see with the binos. I get on well with Stellarium and have even had my laptop outside on the garden table whilst working my telescope...then the DEW came and the computer shut down...took me two days to dry it out!!!...Anyway MrsR, keep blogging and I hope your course goes well.....

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Thanks for the post Mrs R! That course sounds very exciting and you will definitely like "Turn Left at Orion". It was the first book I purchased to help me find my way amongst the stars. I've also liked "Night Watch" which not only shows the stars but gives a more deeper look at the planets, photogrpahing and the different instruments involved.

Stellarium is a fine program indeed and I use it often to plan my stargaze moments outside. I hope it becomes easier to handle with time. If it is giving you problems, I have heard that deleting the program and downloading it once again helps.

Keep your eyes to the sky!


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