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Just starting out and telescope advice is really, really needed



Hey, im just starting out with this and have just spent several days scouring the internet looking at pretty much every type of telescope known to man. Can anyone provide any advice on where to start? Im interested in viewing planets through a scope with detail and the ability to see rings etc. I've about a £300 budget so far, is this enough?

I have absolutely no idea about all the measurements and sizes of telescopes so basic beginner advice would be very useful.

Thanks :)


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Oh and if anyone is in a similar situation, please feel free to message me. It may help if we stick together and share info rather than posting a million identical shouts for help.

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Well after watching that stargazing live i went and bought a Celestron 31145 NexStar 130 SLT from amazon.com for £289 has the computer n motor in it to point you in the direction you need to be in which is a bonus. I hate faffin

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Im just waiting on books and a starchart being delivered. Am ready to head out and have a look its just id prefer to know what im looking at. My thinking at the mo is start with the moon. I've a feeling im not going to be able to miss that and im 100% sure that when i point at it i can say "that is definately........ the moon"

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