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I see a pattern emerging....



... another moan about the weather! Just looked at the 5 day forecast and once again fully clouded out. Joy.

I came to the conclusion a while back that to get some real depth to my images, I'd need at least two evening's worth of exposures (about 6 hours or so) but the complete lack of time under the stars have me wondering if it's worth imaging at all and just sticking to observing.

As much as I love being able to 'see' much more than I could ever do with my eyes is great but the hassle and planning just to take one picture is making me wonder if it's all worth it. Certainly I haven't been able to do nowhere as much LRGB imaging as I'd like to.

After recently slimming down the astro kit, I diverted some of the money I made into re-igniting my love of fishkeeping and have bought a tank which is now in the process of being stocked, planted and matured. And it's been great not sitting around getting frustrated at the lack of time under the stars.

I guess variety is the spice of life and some people on here would do well to think of that while the mood gets distinctly edgy on here while this sceptred isle is under a blanket of cloud for the upteenth night.

Of course, I say all this and we'll get a couple of clear nights and I'll be in love all over again... :).



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Well as i have mentioned Tony, this has been going on for so long now, into the third year of very bad prospects of clear nights , and getting worse,this may well improve over the coming years , but like you i truely dont think it warrants all my money tied up in this imaging .

I shall personally give it one more winter ,if things dont improve ,then its goodbye DSO imaging.

Its only a hobby i know , but does tend to take over ones life.

But lets not give up hope just yet , the weather pattern could change ,or is that wishful thinking .

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HAve no fear tony, I’m going to spend my time over the next few cloudy nights gathering all the hairdryers in I can get my hands on in cambridgeshire and point them skywards :) Should be able to clear you a patch mate, :)

Seriously though, I do just enjoy sitting in my garage looking at both setups and re- arranging wires in my tool box, Sad eh :)

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That's good to know Jon, just let me know nice & early so I can get setup in double time! (and no, what you do isn't sad, I'm sure most of us do that on the quiet!).

I think you hit the nail on the head there Rog, and there's the paradox. It does takes over your life, but we do so little of it! If it wasn't for the Ha filter, it'd be a lot less..

If push came to shove and I had to sell the imaging kit, it'd be a wrench but it wouldn't kill me. I still really enjoy observing and I think I always will so I'll always have a scope (or two :wink: ) but whilst I've had a surprisingly good first year imaging, if I had to give it up tomorrow I think I'd be relatively philisophical about it.

Funnily, it's not just the prospect of clear nights that keeps me optimistic, it's also remembering good times at star parties, both cloudy and clear always puts a smile on my face. And of course there's this place.....


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I,m not finishing Tony , if it came to it ,i would sell the imaging and scopes ,and get an 14 inch SCT for visual pleasure , imaging Lunar and Planets only , a few year on and the Planets will come good .

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In Taunton this has been a much better winter for clear nights than the last two with at least twice as many... but, I've been unable to take advantage of most of them :embarrassed::angryfire:


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In Taunton this has been a much better winter for clear nights than the last two with at least twice as many... but' date=' I've been unable to take advantage of most of them :embarrassed::angryfire:


You want to have a word with that boss of yours mate... :).

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You want to have a word with that boss of yours mate... :).

She's bigger than me...

Oh, you mean THAT boss? Nah, he's not the problem. It's usually the nippers that get in the way somehow!

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