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And so it begins....



I am now trying my hand at imaging DSOs. Yes, I am about to practice the 'dark art' that is deep sky imaging.

I bought an Atik 16ic from FLO the other day and am now just waiting for the skies to get a little darker.....

Had some good news the other day, my astronomy book is in production through Springer Publishers, so watch this space:D.....(won't be out for a few months though!)


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Good luck with the 'dark art'! i'm heading that way too.

A book! wow you must be very pleased. I will be keeping an eye!

What is it about? or can you not yet divulge?


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Hi Michael,

Well as I've been a purely 'visual' guy for many years, the book is field guide aimed at that market. I'm not really allowed to say anymore, or I may have to kill you!!!;)

We'll see how my forray into imaging goes....At the mo I'm trawling the internet being continuosly bewildered by jargon and how much I didn't know!:icon_eek:

I look forward to seeing a few of your images on the forum when the skies get darker and maybe you could give me a few tips!



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