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Adding 3rd Party INDI Drivers to RPi for Astro Imaging



This blog describes Installing 3rd Party Drivers into a Raspberry Pi having installed Ubuntu MATE and followed the instructions to run the AstroPi3 script to install INDI and other astro related software. 

SSH has been enabled so that now the RPi can be accessed remotely from Terminal.  eg. ssh gina@rpi where gina is my user name and rpi is the computer name as set up during the Ubuntu MATE installation.

This set up process is detailed in my blog :- Setting up a Raspberry Pi for Astro Imaging and Control - Updated Feb 2020 for RPi 3B & RPi 3B+

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@Gina et all, I have just released astroberry-diy drivers (including focuser, relays and system info). This version is independent of WiringPi and BCM2835 low level control libraries. Instead I decided to use the latest libgpiod, which uses mainland kernel character device. This makes the driver totally independent from any external library. As for now the driver need some testing so it is kept in separate branch. As soon as you test it and confirm it works ok I will move it to master branch and release debian packages. You can grab the source code by running:

git clone https://github.com/rkaczorek/astroberry-diy.git
cd astroberry-diy
git checkout libgpiod

Make sure that you have libgpiod-dev package installed before compiling this version. The compilation should go smoothly by running:

mkdir build && cd build
make install

Please let me know if it works as designed

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BTW. I took my time and added GPIO pins configuration to Options Tab. No more recompiling if custom pins are used!

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New version of Astroberry-DIY driver has been just released.

* Major changes and new functionalities added
  - added: Support for DS18B20 temperature sensor
  - added: Temperature compensation
  - added: Resolution unlocked from 1/1 to 1/32 microsteps
  - added: Changing to lower resolution fine tuned
  - update: system info driver separated from board/relay driver
  - update: default BCM pins changed (!!!)

Sources: https://github.com/rkaczorek/astroberry-diy

Binary for Raspian Buster: https://www.astroberry.io/

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