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Do we live in a black hole ?

Bert B


I am told that a beam of light gets bent by the gravitational pull of our planet.

If so, the same beam of light will get bent every time it passes close to a celestial object.

As the beam of light travels through our galaxy and out into the universe, I imagine that it must constantly get bent by millions of objects.

As the beam of light gets further from its origin and towards the edge of the universe, I imagine that it must get bent more towards the concentrated matter of the universe and might therefore end up travelling in a complete circle.

If so, anyone outside of the circle would not be able to see the light.

Hence our universe would be a black hole ?.

Can anyone progress this theory, or shoot it down in flames ?.

Bert B.

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The thoughts popping in my head after reading this,  WOW I have never even remotly thought of this! I bet i will be turning this over in my head for days!  if i come up with anything worthwhile ill let ya know!

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Any conjecture in science becomes solid with experimental evidence.


Here's a simple thing you can do to answer this question. Look at the night sky. Use not only what you can see but also data gathered by astronomers all over the world over all of history. Does this data indicate that there is a center point of immense gravity?  I think the answer to that question, so far, is no.







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