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A bit creepy last night



So I was able to use my 40mm to see the moon last night on my 50mmaperture 700mm focal telescope. I was fixing to try out another of my new eps when I heard tapping noise and couldn't figure out where it was coming from but I did see a tall dark figure a few hundred yards off. The way it was moving, I think it wasn't human but couldn't tell for sure so I decided to just go back inside.


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That's a good call. I would have done the same. What was the tapping noise like - are you near trees? Urban? Rural?

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Well, there are trees but at the same time where I live is more like suburban not quite urban but not quite rural, one side has a rural feel the other side has a urban feel. And the tapping noise sounded almost like when two sticks are smacked on each other

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Deer? Bear? I have absolutely no idea about the wildlife of Texas, if i'm honest. Perhaps just a random stick tapping person out for a late walk?  Nah . . . nobody in America walks, surely?


Love your blog tho, keep up the good work!

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Texas is a large state there are different wildlife across the state, we have the occasional bear, deer, mountain lion, opossum, skunk, armadillo, near where I live there are oryx that are usually found in Africa but due to a sheik presenting El Paso with a few as a gift, we have them. There are also mountain goats in the mountains.

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"The way it was moving, I think it wasn't human but couldn't tell for sure"...


That was my ex-wife.


You did the right thing going back inside.

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Lol either way I did the right thing but I found out what it was at work. One of our apes got out and apparently went a bit of ways from the zoo. But since the press didn't find out, nobody got hurt, so it's a low key thing and oddly enough the orangutan that adores me was found waiting outside its exhibit to be let back in.

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Okay, that's the random-est sounding answer I've ever heard! Still, it just goes to show, you shouldn't always jump to the answer 'Aliens'...


Also, orang-utans are fantastic! 

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Lol, seriously, the ape bit made me chuckle. Fear not, I was out one night viewing the moon as well funny enough when I saw this huge winged creature come flying down towards me, I jumped backwards and was intrigued when there was nothing there, the eyes can play some fantastic tricks. My main one now are Bats, I get loads of the things whizzing around me, and a couple of nights ago I could hear rustling in the bushes near me, as soon as it was time to go inside I turned the main light on and around on the ground were 5 frogs. I think astronomy is attracting a new audience.

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Bats are greAt for pest control. As are frogs. There is an endangered species of bats that roost near El Paso, and I've seen a handful of them myself at night. First few times they've surprised me.

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