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bring on the polishing!!



well after just over 80 hours im ready to pour a pitch lap and start polishing!!!

here is a picture to show some shine on the blank after grinding with 600.


hopefully on Wednesday I should be pouring the pitch lap and Thursday all being well I should be starting the polishing phase.

After enquiring with John he says if im lucky it should take 10-12 hours so im allowing for about 15 and hoping I don't get any scratches as I will have to order more 600 grit and use the tile tool again.Its exciting getting towards the final stages but for me a mirrors quality is down to its figure so that stage is going to be the most nerve-racking for me.

Wish me luck!!!

clear skies Rich

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Best of luck then Rich,

it has been told to me by a gent of highest regards and much experience and wisdom,of whom has also made many many a mirrors over the years and still does these days that he has never seen a 20" mirror polished out in less than 15 hours and that mirror was polished out on a machine, so your 10 to 12 might be a tad low, but one can hope.

I did some 6 hours with pads and as optimistic as I was about the spead of polishing am figuring on at least 10

more hours of polishing with pitch,(forever the optimist)but likely more then that.

What are you using for pitch? I have 4-1/2 pounds of gugolz 64 for mine, power was out for a few days because of storm so I too shall soon make the pitch lap and get at it as well.

keep the reports coming.

Rick M

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From what I be been told,machine polishing is slower than hand polishing but I've got plenty of time so if it takes longer then it's no big deal.I have 2kg of gugolz pitch winging it's way to me :)

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