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Focuser is here!!!



Well i have just got back from a week away with the girlfriend and a nice package from starlight instruments was at home waiting for me.

Astronomy does seem to bring the child out in me as I usually have to stop myself ripping boxes apart to get to the toys inside!!and boy,what a toy was waiting inside this box.

2" feathertouch focuser unit and SIPS module


fully built up unit



dismantled units




the sips unit looking down the focuser barrel


cant wait to use this unit once the 22" build is done as it is silky smooth!!!I had a moonlite on my last scope and this is so much smoother its unbelievable.I must admit I do prefer the look of the moonlite unit with its red casing and shiny stainless knobs but this to me is better built,smoother and feels in a different league quality wise.Im totally shocked by this as I thought I would never surpass the moonlite but it did show some drawbacks when it was weighted up with a 20mm 100 degree eyepiece and a a paracorr.It wasn't near smooth enough when locked down for weight hence why I decided on the sips unit as it seem as though it will be much stiffer with a weighty eyepiece on it.

grinding wise-nothing really to report as I have been away for the week.im at about a 6mm sagittal but hopefully in the next 2 weeks that will increase to 12mm and I can start making the tile tool for stage 2 grinding :)

current mirror grind total hours are 38h 45m and 24h 15m of that are grinding the front including bevelling.thinking another 20hours to get to 12mm sagittal so wish me luck.

clear skies Rich

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that looks lovely ctd i will get the sips in the future but mines only f4.5 so not to bad, lovely kit isnt it unreal smoothness, should have mine fitted in the next few days, i will put some pics up

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Yeah I can't wait to use mine.the paracorr in the old scope was ok but with the sips you set it up and don't have to adjust it again all night which for me is a big plus.

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I didnt know the SIPS doesnt need adjusting when you change EP's? I hated that about my old Paracorr and it was one of the reason why I sold it!

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BTW good going with the mirror Rich, 38 hours grinding??!!! Must have arms like Popeye! :)

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You adjust the sips for focus after collimation and then you just focus each new eyepiece as you would without a coma corrector.there's much more yet to come grinding wise,I doubt I'm half way through yet!!!

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Whats the weight of sips like compared to a Moonlite and how much did you pay for it including taxes? May be a nice little upgrade for my Sumerian. :)

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I would say the feathertouch is definately heavier than a moonlite but the sips is similar to the weight of a paracorr 2.I will try and weigh them seperately but I don't have the moonlite or paracorr 2 to compare so will need help on that.

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