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Televue Twins



Left the tripod out and switched things around to add the Genesis alongside the 76 for a bit of side by side on Jupiter and a few other favourites. There is no adjustment horizontally so they are not quite lined up, but near enough. Will try another configuration to see if I can sort that.

Jupiter was looking very nice, a reasonable amount of detail visible. I could just see the GRS coming round the corner but unfortunately it clouded over before it transited. Some nice detail in the belts, and what was obviously a shadow transit centre towards the bottom, couldn't see any sign of Callisto though. This detail was visible in both scopes. I actually am preferring the view through the 76 at the moment, particularly at higher powers. I think the collimation is out on the Genesis still and star shapes are nicer, with less (no) CA in the 76. That said, I bought the Genesis for its flat, widefield views and it does those wonderfully. I shall have another tweak again, or perhaps consider getting it somewhere for a service.

M42 looked lovely in both scopes, nice sharp trapezium and nice mottling detail in the nebulae. The 'wings' looked very well defined despite the LP and no filters.

Only other thing I viewed was the double cluster. Beautiful in both, but again just that bit sharper in the 76. Really wonderful tiny stars peppering the view at the limit of visibility, one of my favourite things to view.

Clouded over and have now packed up. This was an unexpected session, forecast was not good so was nice to see the shadow transit, shame about GRS.


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Nice report Stu, very similar to the Pronto by the sounds of things, especially the description of the Double Cluster. I am very impressed with the views I get through it.


The Pleiades and the Orion Nebula are equally as spectacular and I cant wait to see the cluster in Hercules and the Wild duck cluster later this year.



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Thanks Shaun. I really love the 76, wonderful little scope. Have heard very good things about the Pronto too. The views are lovely, and the chunky, beautiful engineering is pretty good too. Feels like a little tank! It's amazingly capable for such a small scope and so quick to setup, as you are finding out :-).

I've since found out (via Kerry's thread) that what I confidently described as a shadow transit was actually Callisto. I had no idea it was to dark, it's the first time I've seen a moon visible over the surface other than when they are near the limb. The other moons just seem to blend in with the surface of Jupiter. Very nice to see.


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Just out of interest, I weighed these two this evening. With clamshell, dovetail and 2" Everbrite diagonal, the TV76 was 3.8kg and the Genesis 5.1kg. Doesn't surprise me having felt them both but surprised the Gen is so light!

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