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Sky at night subscription and the weather!



Ahh hello from Glalicia place of a thousand clouds!

I get it all the time, I go home to blighty and people comment that I am so lucky to be living in sunny Spain rather than cold rainy England.

Well there´s a thing....and here it is...it´s kind of a big thing..in fact it is huge...some would even proclaim "christ look at the size of that thing"...

Not all parts of Spain have the same weather patterns!

Hah I have said it now and please all of you taken note class because I won´t be repeating it (now there´s a lie if ever I heard one...my wife keeps telling me to shut up about the blumming weather!). So the next time someone tells you they are from Spain and living in Galicia in the north for christ sake don´t say "oohhh the weather must be lovely!". If it is me I am likely to give you a very nasty look and a chinese burn and then walk off in a huff! (I am a professional huff walker off-er!)

I have had gales and rain for the last 6 weeks, believe me I tried to tell Gale she had outstayed her welcome but she wouldn´t listen, and when it clears up for a day the moisture in the air causes mist/fog to form ruining my lovely clear Astronomy nights. I need a weather machine or a big fan to blow the clouds away...hhhmm or a volcano..I saw a picture with one of those that had just erupted and punched a hole through the clouds. Do FLO sell volcanoes per chance??

Perhaps a flock of trained Seagulls all flapping their wings at the same time would create enough of a breeze to move the clouds? there has to be a way...

I am creating a cloud detector at the moment but I don´t know why...version 2 was a phenominal success...it got depressed and printed a sign saying "Its blumming cloudy just as it was yesterday...idiot" then buggered of down the pub. I think I made it too intelligent...and the legs were a mistake with hindsight.

Its my birthday and I got a Sky at night subscription! my wife´s great! shame she didn´t take the hint about the 40" telescope but I will let her off as it would only get used a few times a year (damn it man! get over the weather....move on with your life!).

So as I sit here with a strain of the Ebola virus, I am pretty sure it is the ebola virus...I have a slight cough and am whinging lots so it must be, looking at another cloud stubbornly weigh anchor and sit there staring at me and asking "wot you lookin at"....I come to the brilliant conclusion that my coffee has gone cold!

..aahh coffee and beer the solutions to all lifes problems!


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