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Max frustration



Well that's it with deep sky pratting about. After the nth time (where n=very large number) I've set up only to summon up the grey wispy stuff. Until I get the obsy built it is quicky planetary and lunar for me unless there is a rock solid, god given promise of a clear night.

So it's off shopping again - DMK, filters, filter wheel, barlows and imagematey thingies.

Colimation and more collimation. Cue endless wobbly skies.


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Martin, even though I haven't quite had the bad luck of yourself, I do share your frustrations (almost on the point of giving up LRGB and sticking with mono/Ha). This hobby, especially imaging is one for the masochists!

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Yes Doc, I'm afraid you appear to have moved beyond the prodromal stage and are showing clinical effects of the illness. There is little you can now do I'm afraid.

Well, I've had my friendly builders round today who are very excited about the obsy projects. Fully on board with the requirement and plenty of good suggestions. We hope to get started around the end of April. OK so it will be finished to coincide with the long nights but I don't care!

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