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Double transit on a dash



I had been looking forwards to this double transit in the same way I had the last one and the one before that, and the one before that.

I have seen a few single transits but have been waiting to get my first double. The weather never seems to want to offer assistance on these occasions. Thinking on, it never seems to offer any assistance on any event occasion.

The whole day had been looking bleak, as always I was forever hopeful, fat lady singing and all that. I got home early from my first day back at the stone with the clouds doing well. I decided that if I was going to have any chance I best chuck the dob out the back door for an instant view should the opportunity arise. So I was hanging around in the kitchen doing tea and poking my head out every 5 mins or so to the virtual orange glow I get out there when the clouds are low.

I figured that if I had a bath the sky would clear and sure enough twenty minutes later I get out the bath and poke my head out the door to a patchy sky and Jupiter on display. The back door is next to my bathroom, I was in a towel. That was my chance, so t-shirt and slippers on I was sitting at my dob and I finally got my first double transit. I caught the last 15 or so minutes and watched both Io and Ganymede's shadow leave the limb.

So that was my first double transit observing in slippers, a towel and t-shirt. You have to take ya chances huh...:)

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Nice report, I really like the slippers bit shows commitment. I was in and out the other night in flip flops I use in the house in minus 12, it was only 5-6 mins with the binos at a time. This only shows how stupid I am, I walk past 3 pairs of walking boots on the way.


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