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skywatcher explorer 130p HELLPP!!!!



Hello ı recently bought an explorer 130p and dont know how to use ıt :D:D ıt was such a dıssappoıntment ın the fırst few nıghts ı spent tryıng to fınd out what ıts trıcks were.. ı could see the same sıze and the same amount of stars ın my eyepıece as the fınderscope.. ı saw a few shootıng stars whıch got me excıted a bıt more about ıt. but ıs thıs all?? ı mean the stars dont look any closer than fınderscope. they are such tıny lıttle dots. also ı am havıng some dıffıcultıes tryıng to alıgn the go to mount. ı was hopıng to see some nıce coloured galaxıes and deep sky objects but no !! all ı saw was a bunch of tıny lıttle dots..

well ı hope ı dnt know how to use ıt otherwıse ıt wıll be such a dıssapoıntment for me..

Thank you



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stars will always remain small pin pricks of light as they are so far away, download stellarium onto your pc that will show you what planets, galaxies and nebulas are visable in the sky at your location and time, aligning the mount is easy, just point the scope directly at polaris, lower the altitude so it reads 0 on the mount scale, unplug the power, plug it back in and away you go, assuming that you have put in the latitude of your site as per the instructions to start off with of course otherwise it won`t work correctly, the mount needs to know roughly where it is in the world to track well.

good luck and keep trying.

P.S. M42 the Orion nebula is brill with this scope, Saturn and Jupiter amazing

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forgot to add that you will not see alot of colour as the eye can`t cope with all the different colours at once so it shows up as white, a mixture of all the colours, some stars look a different colour as do some nebulas and you can see colour in planets also

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Thanks a lot red dwalf, ı needed to know that. any other advıces ?? also do ı choose two star alıgnment when settıng ıt up or brıghtest star ?? how do ı do that



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you might be better off putting your questions in the beginners help and advice section of the forum, then you should get alot more answers to your questions

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Hi Gorkem

I'm a novice too but what I am learning is don't expect to see what you see in the pictures in books and the web. Most objects will only be seen in black and white as your eyes in darkness don't see colour too well. Were as a camera is sensitive to colour. The photos you see is a process of stacking hundreds if not thousands of photo's stacked on top of each other with the addition of colour filters as well. Black and white is still amazing

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