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any one see the Perseid meteor showers

mr saddo


well i got up early hours Friday Saturday and Sunday hoping to see something but usual gray cloud cover here disappointed again. although Venus and Jupiter were just visible but no stars out.


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i got up at 11.30 till 1.30, saw one at 17 mins past 12 a right fire ball streaking thought the great square of pegasus, wow i was impressed!!! and another 3 small flashes, first time for meteor showers seen for me, usuall the weather cloudy or raining here in york, it was quite a clear night, layed on patio with sky masters binoes.

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I saw at least 25 and my camera saw more. I am still reviewing the pics. This was on morn of Aug 12, from ~2:00 am to 5:00 am. I have a few shots on my gallery uploads. Real problem was where and when to point the camera.

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We had a club night at the local airport - 9.00 pm until 4.30 am (the last two survivors).

I was too busy scoping - so saw about a dozen. Many of them were down low diving towards the horizon.

My astro pals who were laying face up on recliners counted over 40 per hour - highest counts were from midnight onwards - quite sparse before that. We are on GMT -8 near Vancouver, BC. The best sight all night was around 3.00 am when Venus, Jupiter, The Pleiades and Taurus were all rising over the trees.

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