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I thoroughly enjoy sketching at the eyepiece when observing. Not only does taking the time to make a sketch encourage the observation of finer details, it serves as an excellent record of one's observations and is of greater use than a textual description.

As the recent poor weather continues, I have been going through some recent observations and picked out some highlights below.

I well remember recently working my way through the Herschel 400 open clusters in Cassiopeia. As I moved towards M103, I found that I could just fit 4 lovely clusters, each with their own characteristics, into one field of view. The resulting sketch took several hours over a couple of nights to complete and is well worth the additional effort even though it slowed my progress through my observing list.


NGC 891 was my nemesis object. I read in awe of people who were picking this out in small scopes and yet I could not see it through my 8.5" newtonian. Yet, after my umpteenth time of searching I finally managed to get it, right at the limit of vision. Now, with some experience I can almost observe it when the conditions allow. Now, if only I could get that dust lane as well!!


Finally, I now regularly notice the bright star forming region NGC 604 in the galaxy M33 for example but up until a few years ago, I didn’t even know it was there. I first found this exciting object by observing M33 for an hour. Whilst I could say that I did pick up hints of the spiral arms, it was while making the sketch that I noticed a small, fuzzy patch of nebulosity embedded within the glow of the galaxy. After digging around in various references, I realised that I had made an independent discovery of NGC604, a large star forming region larger than the Orion Nebula and even the Tarantula Nebula, albeit 200 years to claim any rights!


I have put some more information to describe my approach to sketching on my website if you are interested.

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Recommended Comments

Very beauiful and very inspirational. They really are fantastic sketches.

I can't seem to open up the given link, so if possible can you forward it again?

Look forward to seeing more of your work and thank you for posting up your art work, Gliderpilot.

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