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Shooting the moon



Noticed the moon was nice and clear while it was still light so decided to have a go with the DSLR and SLT102 refractor.

Started off quickly aligning using just the moon and the setting lunar as the tracking rate. Watched in a cheap 25mm eyepiece for a while and it was tracking nicely (isn't it always the way - no real effort in the alignment and good results, try hard to get an accurate one and it drifts :p )

Replaced the diagonal with a 50mm extension tube and t adapter to connect the camera. Took loads of shots at different ISO / shutter combos in RAW format using an IR remote release. Happy with what came up on the LCD - will choose best ones and process another time.

As moon was so clear I switched to visual using a Nagler 9mm. What amazing contrast along the terminator. I don't usually spend much time on the moon but I was mesmerised for ages. Upped the mag using a Revelation 2.5 x barlow (which I bought for webcam imaging) and it worked great. Seeing was good and image very stable. Probably spent more time looking at the moon tonight than I ever have. I noticed that when I went back to the diagonal and Nagler from the extension tube and DSLR the focus remained sharp - that'll make focusing the camera easier next time going the other way :hello2:

Packed up all the gear - early start tomorrow . Was well worth the decision to get the scope out for an hour or two :D

1 Comment

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Sounds like a great session Stargazer - I also had great views of the crescent moon Saturday night from BC Canada. I used a reducer on my C9.25 and the night side was glowing really nicely with Earthshine.

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