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I see it! It's a....blob!



Well - I've had a modicum of success tonight! Whilst I'm still somewhat short of a viable Astropic, I'm certainly getting closer.

Tried out my Bhatinov mask first. It's now in the bin - a complete waste of time. Whilst I can see how it might be beneficial on a larger scope, with the tiny aperture of my Zenithstar, there was just nothing visible with the mask in place and the camera viewfinder leeching all the light away.

So instead I tried out the star trail focussing method - and I like it! I need a bit more refinement to get the focus just right (mainly because I forgot exactly where the sweet spot was!) but basically - I've proven the principle to myself - and here are some preliminary results!


I love this photo - despite it being little more than a curiosity, I think it's a beautiful demonstration of the rotation of the Earth.


So here we are - the first legible apparition of M13 on my setup. I don't really count it as a proper Astropic yet as it is a single badly taken frame, but it's definitely improving. It's a 3 minute exposure with a hint of exposure added in Photoshop, but other than that it's raw. A bit more fine focus and a slight decrease in exposure (to take out the bulbous middle and reduce trailing), and I should be able to stack a few frames together and get something useable!


Same again but with a 5 min exposure.

All in all, much more encouraging tonight - I finally feel like I'm getting somewhere. But of course, as is the sky's wont - the moon is brigtening and I'll be all washed out for DSO's for the next couple of weeks, so it's back to the armchair astronomy for now!


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I was viewing M13 just the other night. Certainly coming along there.

Thanks Jonathan - perseverence will ultimately be the key, I believe!

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Love the star trail photo badgerchap. Looks like a train going by ... Your M13 is completely respectable. It takes a while to see results, adjust things a bit, and gradually get the results you have in mind. I have lots of similar shots of M13 and pals - I was totally happy with at the time. Can I suggest to shorten your exposure time to 1 minute and shoot 10 frames. Also crank up the ISO to Max. When you stack them together (Deep Sky Stacker - its free), things smooth out a lot. Nice work, I love Globs!

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I'm glad you've mentioned the ISO James, I'd been thinking about that - turns out I had it on 100! Might have something to do with it! I have seen some excellent results with similar kit to mine using 30s subs and ISO 800, so that will be the next attempt! Thanks for your encouragement though, greatly appreciated. I think the hard thing starting out is to know when you're going right and when you're going wrong!

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Now why can't all mine be like the second and third rather than the first. Have to admit I am having a load of problems with aligning, have the NEQ6 Pro and have updated the handset firmware to the new polar re-align and it has given me nothing but trouble. Follow the instruction to the letter and still when it comes to hitting a target I am way off in the EP and drift. At the moment I am looking at reconfiguring my OTA setup to just one type of OTA on the mount and see what happens, maybe then I will get good shots like above :)


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It's a bit of a lark all this imaging isn't it? :) Honestly, we've not chosen the easiest hobby! I guess the easiest thing to do is to start as simple as possible and gently increase the level of complication as your successes grow? :/

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I've actually gone backwards!!! Don't know whats happened, all great befor I built the obsy now it's all gone wrong. So now, I start again and crawl along till I get better :).


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Back on track, ditched the re-alignment part after 3 star align and all target in/almost in centre of EP, did have me worried but spent most of yesterday going over layout of OTAs on mount and last night turned out to be a good one, seen a few more Messiers than expected in the EP so am happy. The next night out will be to check drift on AP exposures, will be getting an auto guider so hope that will help as well :).


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Excellent news! It's horrible when it feels like you're doing something wrong, doesn't it? What are you getting in the auto guider department?

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Just looking for something that will keep the camera on target :). Not interested in what the guider does in relation to taking photos just keeping steady on target is the job :). As said, the next clear night I will be banging away with the DSLR and see what I can achieve, I left the OTA on Vega for 20 min last night and it had moved a degree or so, so maybe have achieved something there.



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