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One would think that after last night with the famous "supermoon" , that many posts covering the event prevail but no. To tell you the truth, I must admit feeling quite bothered about the "hype" the news conjured up with their flashy headlines and promises of wonder. In the end, there was little to see without some sort of measurable reference that the moon was "bigger". The media did it again, promised something they knew little about, raised excitement and only delivered an illusion based on the power of suggestion.

Yes, the moon was it its closest, this is called a perigree. That's it. However, there was a time last evening where I felt elated since for once, all eyes ventured above to the night sky and searched to be mesmerized. The feeling we all have as stargazers was shared by all (even if just for a moment)! I hope it continues to grow and does not wane once the headlines become yesterday's news.

The moon is always beautiful.


Liquid-less seas of rugged terrain with borrowed light,

Bombarded, impacted, now cratered shadows in time.

Daunting shine creating shadows in the subdued night.

Waxing, waning, eclipsing, sometimes reigning sublime.

Illness, destruction, the promise of monsters you bring

are all creations, wishes of doom born within the mind.

supreme darkness where feathered silence takes wing,

Intriguing, unknown, a sense of wonder to all humankind.

An attraction force, a pull far greater than we can surmise

elevating, decreasing, reducing, creating the ocean tide.

A magnetism, a scientific lust for discovery under disguise,

we searched to land, to walk, make you an object of pride.

But with all you've become and wonders you've captured,

I stand captured almost enraptured in a sense of awe

at the hope you may reveal many questions unanswered

always humbled by your presence, I could never withdraw.


Last night, I took the following pictures of the moon not really because it was bigger, but because it was there :




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Hi Isabelle

Nice photographs. We were in Kent visiting friends this weekend. I'm afraid I did hype it up a bit. In the event clouds and rain precluded any view of the moon. Hope the weather does not wash out the transit of Venus. I aim to photograph the sun rising over the North Sea whilst the transit is in progress.

best regards George

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Well, getting people "hyped" about the night sky is always a good thing. I wish you the best with the transit of Venus tonight and will be following your success!


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hi Isabelle, yeah did not look that good, on the 5th here in uk, but last night 6th it was really quite big here very orange, i have seen a Pic on Facebook in Athens and it was massive!

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The pictures taken do help with the illusion of it's size. All you need to do is to take a picture with a building or something in the forefront. I tried to do it last night but the lighting was against me.

I went out as well yesterday and it was orange as well but you don't need to have a "supermoon" for that since I have seen it many times before. The moon while rising (close to the horizon) wil always look orange due to our atmosphere. If you look at it through your telescope, the moon actually appears to be swimming!


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