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Disasters all round :(

The Sailor


Try to get back into observing has not been easy, disasters all round. After setting up the equipment in the observatory I turned my attention to all the flight cases of gear I had not opened in almost a year. Silly me had left a number of items with batteries installed and these had leaked, so the last few weeks have been a recovery effort and that is going well but the worst part was not the cases but the observatory. I don't know what has happened but I have more rain inside than outside, the roof has developed a sieve like appearance!! I have now decided to get the roof GRPd and as soon as the weather gets better it will be done. In the meantime the kitchen table has taken on the appearance of an astronomy store, gear all over the place. So all in all not a good restart but at least I know the problems and can get them sorted, just have to see if my body can be fixed, not as easy :).



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Hi there hope the batts did not cause to many probs,with the rain we have had here over the last couple a days. Am sure other peeps will be in the same boat .pardon the pun

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Jim, hope you get your roof sorted and the batteries haven't done in your equipment. But on the bright side, "flight cases full of gear" sounds like a good time - almost as much fun as observing!

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Thank you both, I have given all the parts with the batteries a good clean now and test show no problems, have to say I had almost forgotten what I had in each case and opening them has given me food for thought as to wether I actually need some of it so it may be time for a clearout. I doubt if I will ever be able to attend any star parties now and a lot of the gear is aimed towards that so it may be for the best. The observatory, well all I have to do now is wait for some good weather, take the dome off and put new plywood on and get the glassfibre on, so the future is looking good :).


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Oh my! Until now I have never thought of the batteries creating such havoc. Congratualtions to you for making sense out of all this havoc!


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Hi Isabelle, am afraid that one problem begets another and at the moment my observatory is scattered in bits across the garden, I have had to take the dome and ring off to repair the roof and the constant rain has created an utter mess so I have to start all over. It may on reflection be a blessing in disguise as I can rearrange to take account the gear I have now and as the cloud cover seems to be stalled over the house for the foreseeable future I may as well do it now. :)


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You will make your way out of this mess I'm sure. In the end, the summer is about to begin and with some luck, the weather will be more cooperative. I'd be more concerned if it was autumn and the winter was fast approaching.


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