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First decent sighting of M42 this season



I wasn't sure if I'd be able to see Orion at all from my usual viewing location yet, but it made a full appearance between two buildings as it rose up tonight.

Even with the light pollution from the local pub (which it rose almost directly above) I was able to make out a good amount of the nebular with binoculars and averted vision, maybe even with a slight green tinge unless my imagination was working overtime.

Can't wait to use the filter I purchased on it, should bring out the detail beautifully with my 8SE. I will probably have to wait until January for the best views of it as it moves away from the light pollution, we will see.


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hi there orion is back again and as nice as ever i tried to get a few snaps to make a short animation but the dew and cold froze me,and dewed up the lens on the camera,but its soon to be a evening planet i have a bade 0III filter for nebs its great in the 12"reflector and good for use when take in pics,its no good in the 90mm frac tho bit of a over kill

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hi, yeah i managed to see it other night, just above houses here in York, it was rising about 9 pm in east, Betelgeuse was flickering all colors. better view in 15x70 bins than scope, nice to see orion again.

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I'm curious to see it through my ST80, recent nights have not been so good seeing but tonight might be OK.

I have been pleasantly surprised just how much of the nebula is visible even when standing close to the street lights in the village, providing the house security lights are not on it is almost as good as from up the garden.

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