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New kid, new roof and new found inability to sleep :-D

Well little Xacobe was born on the 7th of May and kept us busy ever since. Sleepless nights used to be spent swearing at the fact I couldn´t find M81 again and the focus was slightly out. Now it appears to be whether the nappy is dirty, he is hungry or little johnny has broken his leg down the old abandoned well (I figure communicating to a child is much like the old black and white lassie episodes...I am pretty sure a lot of the communicating is telling me about some poor child has had an accid



WOW for tonight

Just come back in from almost an hour viewing the night sky :D Went out at 11.40 and back in at 12.35 Isnt it amazing how when you are enthralled with the sky the coldness disappears and the fact that you are standing on a lawn full of dew with slippers on means nothing. I dont know if there was a concert going on nearby but all i could hear the whole time was different kinds of music and also fireworks (didnt see any though but they certainly scared my cat who was also out with me). To be fair



upcoming clear night

tonight is the first clear night since i last posted and i am hoping to have my first EVER proper sighting of antares. im feeling very excited about this. vega and arcturus already visible in the darkening sky....



Spinning through time

Hello Astro chums.. Could anyone tell me how many degrees our galaxy has span through since humans began to record star positions..? I imagine over say, the last six thousand years or so..:glasses1:



My first attempt.

What a wonderful clear night it was here in south wales due to some very brisk easterly winds. I am very excited about all the things i saw tonight. Three main non star sightings were 1. Moon rising 2. Shooting Star (possible lyrid) 3. Unidentified sattalite. Also some new stars for me. I went out at about 12.30am Saw antares in the south for the 1st time ever! Moon rose about 10 seconds later though so off it went! Long lasting shooting star near vega always makes me smile. Strange sattalie



South Wales Stars

Im gonna keep track of what im looking at now, so would be a great help if anyone has things to suggest to look at, First night was the moon, one of the first things you see as a kid but has taken me 25years to look at it up closely, but it blew my mind it was amazing, we were left speachless after it but the weirdest thing was we were bent over looking through the scope and you became that mesmirised by the moon that you kind of lost balance a couple of times but was truely spectacular, the mo



No wood make neil slightly unhindged...hmm and mad rambling

Ahh a holiday weekend with visions of completing the roll off roof before the end and before the kid is born. Unfortunately the wood didn´t get delivered...well I knew it wouldn´t deep down inside, you don´t order wood in spain 3 days before you want it and expect to get it. Ordering anything in this country is very much a zen experience. You place the order and whilst waiting are able to contemplate the inner workings of the universe and reach an inner harmony very much like yoga. The wood will



Galaxy hunting

Four of us met at Britwell Hill on the 22nd of April, just after sunset. High cloud had mostly dispersed leaving clear but a bit hazy skies, apart from a 15-degree band near the horizon. This was just enough to obscure Mercury, although we were convinced for a while that Aldebaran was it! We set up at the top of the hill, next to some trees to the west: my 12" SkyWatcher Dobsonian, a 10" Orion Newtonian Dobsonian and a 10" Orion Optics Newtonian on a Meade LXD75 Goto GEM. We also had some 10x50



Back In The UK

Been back from New Zealand about a month now. Although the weather has been pretty good during the day, with many clear, sunny days, the nights have been a different story. I've been looking forward to getting re-aquainted my astro equipment but only managed 2 nights out with the C8. The first night out mainly involved figuring out how the scope worked after an 8 month break. The night sky at the moment where I live seems to suffer from bad transparency. Only the brighter stars visible. In my s



Vixen 102M primary lens marks?

Can someone tell me if they have ever seen a primary lens with several perfect concentric circles in the centre of the front lens? The circles cover about a 10mm in diameter My Vixen 102m has these markings. They are very faint and look as though they are part of the coating or an integral part of the lens. They are not easy to see and I don`t think they are on the surface. More like in the coating. The scope gives excellent views and as far as I can see, good refraction patterns in and out of f



......and the moral of the tale is........

.....don't mess about when great opportunities come along. Great skies tonight and what did I try to do? Something different that's what. I thought I'd mount the camera with the stnd 75-300 lens and guide via the ZS66SD. Nowt but so**ing problems. Co-aligning and focusing being the two biggest probs. Which do I align as primary with the mount or does it matter ?-ummm well surely it should when it comes to synching the mount with planetarium s/ware. Anyways, having gone out in bare feet and slipp



High Pass Sharpen??

Someone just told me to do this..... High pass sharpen Duplicate the background layer Set to Soft Light blend Filter -> Other -> High Pass About 10.0 pixels Heres an article on the method: http://deepsky.org.uk/articles/2009-04-highPassFilter.shtml Richie



Right place right time !!

I was setting up last night for Saturn viewing /imaging. I was going thru a 3x star alignment routine ( don't ask why, just fancied it), just aligned on Regulus and took my eyes away from the Telrad just in time to see a fantastic fireball fly thru from NE-ish Ursa Major across to Castor Pollux region. That was a first !!! Quite spectacular :icon_eek:and surprised to see how bright it was !!By Eck it was fair moving thru the sky, sooooooo fast with a brilliantly bright tail.:glasses1: No it wa



Astronomy, a Gathering

Last night was good fun - Lightbucket brought his 16" ob down, and I saw the best views of M51 I've ever seen :) Daveir came down as well, along with a friend of mine from Eastbourne Astronomical Society, so there were 3 rigs setup in the back garden. I managed to capture 17x10 minute OIII subs of M97 to go with my 30x5 minute Ha subs as well - initial processing last night looks very sharp/clear, so I can't wait to get those done. It was incredibly clear and sharp here last night - that cirrus



Intel Atom Motherboard

I had to rebuild the PC controlling the mount so decided to go for the Intel Desktop Board D945GCLF2 with Integrated Intel Atom Processor 1.6g dual core. It was a nightmare to install as I had a dodgy power lead (The black lead that plugs into the mains) and didn´t realise. This meant the motherboard worked but sometimes failed to start properly. I have never come across this problem before. Still, the motherboard is Micro ATX and is tiny! it cost me 95 euros and all I had to add was 1 stick of




Strange had some sort of power surge go through the house last night.... It tripped the main fuse but after turning everything back on I found out it had blown 6 bulbs, and fried the living room dimmer switch. Fixed everthing today. I wonder what caused that!



Bonus Time !!!!

Last night proved to be a bit of a bonus after Saturday !! I had planned on capturing some more Avi's of Saturn ( and I did ) but thought I'd stick a few EP's on the scope for a change cos the cond's were so good and the opportunities to observe here in Leeds' LP sadly rare ! ( only 3x miles West of Leeds City centre). Apart from the open clusters in Auriga which I thoroughly enjoyed re visiting, I spent some time with the ringed planet, moons were clearly visible and bright, the sharp definitio




Hip Hip Hoo-Ray for Jensen Button. What a great race for a change. The rule changes really worked and I have a feeling this season will be a great one. Clear skies tonight so scopes outside cooling.



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