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new scope out this cold morning -1 poor seeing condition? any one else struggerling

Hi all, had the sky watcher 120 evostar out, on to Saturn, struggling to get a sharp image, mars was bright and flaring slightly on one edge, a star would not pin point but sea gulling. E.P seemed to have a bloom round object! It was -1 mind you and a bit Dewie, any one else had this, this morning or is my scope faulty!! hope not, it was second hand, it is under warranty.

mr saddo

mr saddo

my new scope!

Hi all. just received my newish scope!! sky watcher evostar 120 refractor its a beast!! just need a decent mount now doh!! Stargazers Lounge - mr saddo's Album: skywatcher evostar 120 refracter

mr saddo

mr saddo

up early for saturn and mars!!

I finally dragged my self out of bed this morning being Friday at 5 am, it was clear!! got the heritage dob 130p out got on to mars.... well what can i say... disappointed was the word, had to go to full power x144 9mm x2 barlow and it was just a orange ball no detail it was quite bright though. i was thinking on the lines of Jupiter size and brightness, any way got Saturn in low east, rings are nearly side on now, no moons showing, then the clouds rolled in, oh ISS came over on slow approach

mr saddo

mr saddo

started out good but.........

Had heritage 130 dob scope out last night, it was actually dark at tea time for a change and not the Grey sky we have had, Jupiter good, Andromeda still just a Grey smudge, some nice clusters up on Cygnus and Cassiopeia, pliedies nice, but...... then how many aircraft flying above York!! seem to be circling? must have been queuing up for Leeds?! and then the halogens were on!!! in peoples gardens, pain in the butt, out with the sheets on the washing line!! to block the light, and then the clouds

mr saddo

mr saddo

yu55 astroid

HI all any one got plot / times of yu55 for tomorrow? for northern hemisphere or uk time?

mr saddo

mr saddo

Asteroid Flyby of yu 55

http://www.skyandtelescope.com/skytel/beyondthepage/131161943.html http://ascendingstarseed.wordpress.com/2011/04/10/comet-yu55-passes-right-after-elenin/ some thing to look out for, if we can see it in northern hemisphere.

mr saddo

mr saddo

Nice jupiter tonight in between the clouds!

Just grabbed the dob and had a quick look at 8.30pm Jupiter now high up in the south east and bright. its moons well spaced out with Callisto on the far outside. bands showing well, quite impressed with it tonight.

mr saddo

mr saddo

a strange sight

Hi all, been out tonight, and i was looking in to cygnus 7.20pm and i had the 32mm photo projection on just scanning around, i noticed a very faint star moving upwards very slow, i backed off with my eye, and had another look, it was still moving, in a straight line, i watched it for a few seconds and grabbed another lens say 15mm for a close look but lost it! it was not a satellite has i had seen at least 4 tonight flying very fast across my field of view has i ignore them now. very puzzled to

mr saddo

mr saddo

orionids anyone?

well i was out from about 7 pm till 9 pm clear skies!! (ISS came over that was a bonus)with scope had a look round at various things, Jupiter now well up in east. did not see any meteors. any way went in and to bed, then i got up and sneaked out with 15x 70 bins at midnight! OMG it was so clear!! pliedies was stunning almost forgot what it looked like, has was cepheus, and perseus, with the wow factor, no orion though, i think it was below houses coming up very late according to stellarium.

mr saddo

mr saddo

draconids any one?

Any one spot thr draconids over week end? i was out for a few hours with scope friday night, but no joy, moon was bright that dint help.

mr saddo

mr saddo

ISS york/ leeds fly by times

Theres some good fly by times to be seen York / Leeds , with a 4 to 6 mins veiwing!! http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/realdata/sightings/cities/view.cgi?country=United_Kingdom&region=England&city=York

mr saddo

mr saddo

metror fire ball france check this out!!

Just been on the YAS site( York astronomical society) check the fire ball captured over France 10 seconds worth of video. june 6th at 22.37 "ITS THE SECOND SCREEN DOWN" utc.http://meteore.forumattivo.com/t995-meteora-luminosa-20100605_223722

mr saddo

mr saddo

1st outing since winter!!

Its been a funny summer, when the nights don`t really get dark, and the stars don`t come out to play, Any way could not sleep last night went to the toilet 2pm, had a quick look out the window has usual, and Jupiter was really blazing, right some scope time not been out since winter! it was quite damp out and a lot of dew about, sky looked hazy, got on to Jupiter very bright moons clearly shown, but could not see any banding, then i panned to my old favorite Cassiopeia, some nice NG clusters, O

mr saddo

mr saddo


STS 135 Atlantis launched this afternoon, watched live. Another flawless launch. http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/videogallery/index.html?media_id=100244431

mr saddo

mr saddo

Full moon ,yellow last night

Last night around 11.43 after ISS passed, the moon was rising in the south, and was full and very big, and yellow, it did not take long for it to climb high in the sky. Looked very impressive.

mr saddo

mr saddo

NO lunar eclipse! in YORK

very disappointed on the lunar eclipse, it was coming out of totality in south east only 6 degrees on horizon, no chance of seeing it with building and trees in way. Watched it live on line in Cyprus and Dubi via sloosh live telescope, managed to get some screen capture pictures of it of it. come on people lets see some pics of this historic event, a video would also be nice.

mr saddo

mr saddo

my account hacked?

just received e mail from administrator about bad language? at 5.15 pm on here, i was not on the sgl site at this time, whats going on!! beware passwords may be not safe!! i have contacted ant on admin.

mr saddo

mr saddo

shuttle sts 134 endevour is up

for all you who don`t know shuttle is up launched at 1.55 pm our time.Launch was going to be 30th may? don`t know why it was bought forward? must have fixed the heater problem on the fuel tanks. All ways impressed with the launch never fails to amaze me!! we may see double pass of ISS and shuttle IF the weather is clear!! IF!!

mr saddo

mr saddo

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