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The fumblings of a newbie

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Finally, the weather is great, damn it...

So there is was last night, gazing up at an amazingly clea sky for the first time since I bought my scope. The stars were barely even twinkling. I've never seen anything like it for years. Unfortunately, my scope was 180 miles away. Oh well.



The step arrived, and some eyepiece malarky

The steps really cool. When I can be bothered doing some computering, I might try to figure out how to post a picture. I think i decided on my first upgrade eyepiece. Everyone says the 10m that comes with Skywatcher scopes is only so-so, and I really wanted something a bit shorter as well. I'd like some of my favourite globs to fill the eyepiece when the viewing allows. So it looks like its going to be a 13mm Ethos and a 2x Powermate. I need to sell a few things to fund these (I promised the wif



Eyepiece access for the missus

One thing that was very apparent when Pat and I visited OpticStar was that she wasn't going to be able t reach the eyepiece anywhere from above about 10 degrees from zenith. Maybe a little more. As she's showing a lot of interest in the scope, I want to make sure she gets as muc out of it as I do, and so I've order a caravan step from Amazon. The one I ordered is "Milenco Aluminium Single Step Rubber Top". The reason for my choice is that it's a single step with a pretty broad platform. It's 8




Hello, my name is Phil. I'm 45 years old, and work in IT management for a large financial institution. I spent many years programming in various languages, including Java, C++, Ruby, Smalltalk etc. When I was about 25 (?) I bought a small Tal-1 reflector, as I'd been interested in astronomy as long as I remember. It cost well over £100, which 20 years ago was a not insignificant amount. I looked through the scope a handful of times, seeing the crescent of Venus, M42, Saturn (though could never m



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