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A question from a newbie...


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Hello ....My name is Brian Kendall.  I am from Ohio, near Dayton.  I joined this forum to specifically ask some questions and hopefully get some answers.  Her goes,  is there any piece of equipment on the market today, such as a very powerfull projector/holograph that could throw an image out into the night sky in such a way that someone standing nearby might think he/she is looking at a real image?  Specifically, I am trying too figure out if my neighbor is punking me......I am seeing UFO's.  Please don't think I am a nut job....

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More likely to be a drone?

As jambo says you need something to project onto and even then you would likely see light scatter along the path of the projection beam.

Are we talking batman style lights with a silhouette cut out or actual cinema style imagery?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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I'm aware that in Gotham, Batman used some kind of snazzy projection:


And that the last time I went to Ibiza, I could have sworn I witnessed an unidentified cosmic nebula:


So, it is certainly possible that what you saw is some kind of expensive laser show put on by your neighbour.

My advice is next time you see it, try to trace its source by following the beam of light. The central issue here is that if you're not sure what that something is in the sky, the interpretation of it should cease.

The best plan of action is to say to yourself, 'I don't know what that is, so I'm going to find out for myself.' If you fill in the interpretation without coherent empirical grounding, you're essentially committing the common fallacy of 'arguing from ignorance'. No one should be blamed for ignorance. It's the stuff that feeds wonder and investigation but we ought not to leap from our ignorance and found conclusion upon it, that game can cause a lot of upset, hurt and damage. The best approach, then, is that until we find a suitable solution to our dilemma, we should always adopt the humbling approach of that innocent U and recall what it actually stands for in UFO :grin:

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Easiest thing would be to simply hook up a beamer (for business presentations) with a laptop, they are pretty powerful these days. But if you project the picture onto a wall or cloud, you should be able to see a lightcone, as jambo said. Try to photograph it and share the picture :-)

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