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IC1396 Hubble palette - help processing

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Can anyone give me help processing "hubble palette" images? Mine always turn out a yellow mess, even when I follow the instructions given online at various sites, like this one:


Theirs look great in golden and blue hues, but mine are all washed out. Here's my attempt at IC1396 with 10 minute subs (6:3:3 - not enough, but should be good enough to get some kind of image).


I've uploaded my individual stacked images below (click the mildly processed jpeg images to get the completely unprocessed 8MB tif files) in case anyone would like a go at showing me how it should be done.


IC1396 H p.jpg


IC1396 O p.jpg


IC1396 S p.jpg

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Ive had a play with the colour image you posted, using the same method that you quoted. Just play with the settings and dont be afraid to repeat some of the steps 2 or 3 times to get the required results..


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Ok, I had a go with your seperate files and came up with this version.

I increased the contrast using curves on all 3 of the files then combined them, then used levels to get the histogram roughly the same on all 3 channels, then ran the routine to change the colours - I had to run the cyan part 3 times to get the blue effect to stand out a bit better, and upped the saturation a touch for all channels. Finaly, a shed load of noise reduction because I was pushing the jpegs to their limit.


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