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auto track on 130p

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Does anyone no how to set up the auto track on the 130p it is not the goto one and I do understand the cruise buttons on it don't do anything I have just looked at the destructions as you do weeks after you get your scope and they ar not very good ?

Geoff :(

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This is from the manual:

1. Plug the power cord into the outlet on the the side of the

mount to turn on the power .

2. You will find a latitude scale near the top of the fork arm.

Using the directional keys, adjust the telescope tube until the

latitude scale reads 0.

3. Next, the telescope must be pointing North from the location you are using. Use the direction keys to slew the telescope to point it North.

After the above is accomplished, the telescope is now properly setup in the "Home" position. Turn off the power and turn it back on again.

Setting the local latitude is not required to track an astronomical object but it greatly enhances the tracking accuracy. It requires that you know the latitude of the observing site.

4. To set the latitude for the Northern Hemisphere, use the directional

buttons to adjust the telescope tube until the latitude scale reads 0. Turn off the

power and turn it back on again.

5. Now use the hand control to move the telescope tube until the latitude scale reads your local latitude. Press the "Fast" and "Slow" buttons simultaneously to store the local latitude into the system.

To activate the TRACKING FUNCTION, you must first find the astronomical

object you are seeking. Remember, you must use the Hand Control unit to move the telescope as you cannot move it manually. When you are ready to track (when the object is in the center of the field of view), press the "Guide" and "Slow" buttons in combination and tracking will be activated. When you want to cancel "tracking" and slew in higher speed, press the same button combination. Note that when tracking is activated, one of the "Guide", "Slow" or "Fast" buttons will flash.


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Do you have to set the home position everytime you use the scope? As an example: If I use it in the back garden one night and the front garden the next, or once it's set is that it forever?

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As far as I am aware, the Synscan handset will store the last co-ordinates you put in but I wouldn't worry about the difference between the front and back gardens as this measurement is too small a difference to register. That is, unless your first name is Charles and your address includes the words 'Highgrove House' in it! :hello2::D


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