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not another eyepeice thread.....

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hey guys,

well i had a nice little wage go through on friday, all my hard work in ASDA paid off this month :D bought a wixey but bin thinking about new eyepeices

i cnt spend alot, iv really got abouts £30 - 40 MAX to spend

id like somthing better than my 25mm basic meade maybe a 32 or 40mm one and one between a 9 and 6 mm (6 seems to be past limit on my dob) if funds allow both

heres 3 i found

(yes i no it SNS)

Antares 40mm Plossl eyepiece

Antares 32mm Plossl eyepiece

(40mm one im interested in)

ScopeTeknix Super Plössl Eyepieces (6.3mm, 10mm, 15mm, 20mm & 40mm)

wish i could afford ones with nice green letters on them :rolleyes:

thanks guys


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Those Vixens do look a good buy :D

In the 1.25" fitting I can't see the point of going for a 40mm over a 30mm / 32mm as both eyepieces will show the same amount of sky. The 1.25" barrel limits the width of the field of view you see.

The 30mm Vixen NPL would be a nice choice I reckon.

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