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Vixen Sphinx mount/starbook controller problem resolved

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Just to complete the comments made in the welcome section regarding my new Sphinx mount and starbook controller which was giving problems.

I was using the supplied 12V battery pack fitted with 8 D type batteries, not Duracells but they were decent quality, new alkaline batteries. The problem occurred when slewing to a target - the mount was moving very slowly and the starbook controller flickered, then blanked out and could not be switched back on again. After some to-ing and fro-ing with Orion Optics, it was isolated as the battery pack not supplying sufficient current when slewing so the controller was not functioning properly. Simple resolution in the end, buy a 12V car battery booster pack (from Halfords) and run the mount off this. Everything now works fine and the mount is moving at correct speed.

This might all seem obvious but I found it a little frustrating that the pack supplied appears to be insufficient to do the job, probably unless using brand new duracells so I could have saved alot of time had I known.

Just waiting for a good clear sky to go and try the scope now



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Glad you've solved the problem..

Iv'e had problems originally with both my mounts, the 12v battery packs couldn't supply enough Amps so i'd get frustrated very quickly.

I run them on powertanks now (Along with most of us on here) I've had no problems since...Apart from remembering to keep em fully charged :rolleyes:


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