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Orion EQ-1 Mount. Any problems.?

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Hi all,

I'm looking for a basic equatorial mount for doing some wide-field photography. You've probably got sick of mentioning the pro's & con's of the "Orion Adventures in Astro-Imaging Bundle", http://www.telescope.com/control/product/~category_id=astrophoto_solutions/~product_id=27154 but I'd like a little bit more information, particularly regarding the Orion EQ-1 Equatorial Mount supplied with the kit.

As I understand it, from scanning this forum and many other's, this mount is very nearly useless for mounting a telescope and observing deep space objects. I don't want to do that however. My plan is to mount my Canon EOS-400D DSLR and do some exposures of maybe 3-5 minutes. (I only ask because I'm heading to the deepest, darkest part's of Suffolk in May and the Milky Way is a sight to behold.!)

So, the nitty gritty: Would this mount be suitable for my DSLR.? I've read on another forum that for my purpose, it's Ok. If it is feasible to use the EQ-1 mount and a DSLR, what other parts do I need.? (I've seen something called "Dovetails" mentioned).

I'm sure I've forgotten some bits, but if I remember them, I'll be back.!

Thanks in advance,


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Hi Sam,

The book that I linked to in your welcome thread, Making Every Photon Count, has lots of advice on choosing the right bits of kit.

It pays special attention to the mount, seeing as it's the foundation that the rest of imaging is built on.

Sorry I can't offer much more advice beyond that, I'm just a visual observer and the dark art of imaging hasn't bitten me... yet :D

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From what I know about the EQ1, it's probably too light even for that. You may get away with exposure shorter than a minute with a short lens, but 3-5 will be pushing it. However, you can always stack shorter exposure using DSS, so it should be ok.

What is your budget, if you can afford it, an Astrotrac will the way to go. If you plan on using small telephoto, I'd pick a EQ5 instead of the EQ1.

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The EQ1 really is on the margins of suitability for imaging although I do know people who have had good success with it - John (JGS001), a member on SGL for example. Agianst the general advice, I have bought one to take on holiday this year but I am only going to use it to take wide field Milky Way images with a DSLR and either 28mm or 50mm camera lenses.

I have only tried it once, in poor conditions and hastily set up and the results were not staggering but then I am used to a heavy duty auto-tracking mount in an observatory so I am truly spoilt!! I would hope that 1 or maybe 2 minute exposures would work OK but I am waiting to give it another try soon!

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Thanks for the feedback guys.

David, I did see the link. Thank you. I'll get round to purchasing the book come payday.

Keith & Olly: I haven't come across an Astrotrac yet, so I'll go and have a look. My budget is quite tight, only making £400 a month which gets paid in £100 a week. This could be set to change with an interview for a new job I have, so the £25,000 a year would be most useful.!

I have the exact same motive for using the EQ-1 as you, Steve. I'm just looking for wide-field Milky Way images. As Keith mentioned (and I completely forgot), I'd probably take a series of shorter exposures and stack them together. If you give it another go within the next few weeks, could I ask you let me know how you got on with it, please.? Seeing as we both have similar intentions with the mount, it would be good to see how you get on with it.

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I use and EQ3-Pro for my wide-field mount... I have used it upto 200mm FL and 4 min unguided exposures just PA'ing with the built in polarscope...

A bit less portable than an Astrotrac but a lot cheaper, has Goto , computer controllable etc...... although not so much after the recent SW price rises :D


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Price is always going to be an issue Billy, unfortunate as it sounds. I've been researching the forum and google for advice on a Barn Door Tracker. I have a defunct PC which still has a 5.25" floppy disk drive in it, so that could be a starting point.

Thanks for the links, Steve. I'm going to go away and take it all in.! That is a nifty solution for the RDF on your EQ-1. I admire your point on being your own jury regarding the EQ-1, as well. As you said, many have failed, but some have succeeded and I should really stop listening to all the negative feedback and focus on the good points that people have mentioned.

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