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Equipment choice for the younger observer.

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Hi all

I have just scrapped my ageing Konus 4.5" reflector due to a damaged rack on the focuser and the mirror being past it's best.

I am looking to upgrade to something bigger and better but would like advice from fellow amateurs about the best choice of telescope to share the experience with my off-spring.

They are currently aged 3 and 7 and are usually rapped around my neck while I'm trying to look into the eyepiece.

For this reason I originally thought along the lines of getting a Skywatcher Skymax on an EQ5 mount. Due to their small size I thought the little monkeys would find it easier to look down into the eyepiece.

On the other hand I can't ignore the 10" dob on offer at FLO's. It's great value but I'm concerned that it won't be stable enough for my little ones to view planetary bodies without knocking the telescope off it's tracking.

So does anyone here have youngsters using a dobsonian? Or does a Maksutov on a mount sound like the better option?

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My kids love a small refractor on an Alt-Az (Porta II), with a SkySurfer V RDF for finding things - they just point the RDF at what they want to look at, and find it very easy. The older two are 10 and 12, so a bit older than yours, but even my just turned 4-year-old can use it.

I picked up the Celestron version of one of these when Argos were selling them in clearance

Dobsonians - Skywatcher Heritage 76 Mini Dobsonian

but they certainly prefer the refractor. As for larger 'scopes, mine didn't find the 200p Dob easy either and tended to accidentally push it off target - the finder was also difficult, as it's really sized and located for adults.

I'd vote for the 10" Dob for you and something small on an Alt-Az for them, if the budget allows :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for the advice Ben, I've decided to go down the dobsonian route and I'll probably stretch to a 12" (I know I'll regret it a few months down the line if I buy the 10"). If the nippers maintain their interest and struggle with the Dob I will as you suggest, get them something smaller to play with.

They can then fight between themselves and leave me in peace. har har!

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