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Can we use photos from here?

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I was wanting to set up my screen saver with photos, and I was going to just get some random ones from google images. Are we allowed to save some pictures people have taken from here to use, or do we need to ask permission off the person whose taken the photo?

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Well - it is a public forum, but it might be good etiquette to check with the owner before lifting it. I'd consider that to be most polite and I'm sure most people wouldn't have a problem with it :)

Thanks :( I wouldn't like to just take photo's - I imagine there is a lot of time and effort put into them.

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i wouldn't imagin anyone would mind, but like Brantuk say's might be good form to ask first, i bet if you put in a request for a specific target people would be falling overthem selfs to shoot it for you lol.

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If they're just for your screensaver then nobody would have known.

Even though this is a public forum the images are, by default, the copyright of the people who took them. So publishing them (online or offline), without permission, would be a violation of the copyright.

But again, you're just making a screensaver for your PC and not selling them, publishing them etc. So there's no issue.

Asking is always polite though. People may even be chuffed you've asked :)

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