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New Telescope Soon Opinions Please

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If you can find one.

Just had a look on telescopes.com If they where aloud to sell to anyone I could get a brand new 11" CPC for $2799

and $198 for delivery that would be £1577.37 plus import duty at 4.2% + VAT at 17.5% on the value & the duty would give

£1931.25 for a brand new 11 Inch CPC thats only £32.25 more than the 8 inch over here.

Celestron should hang their head in shame the money grabbing robbing b*****ds. At least [removed word] Turpin had the courtesy to wear a mask while he robbed you.

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Celestron should hang their head in shame the money grabbing robbing b*****ds. At least [removed word] Turpin had the courtesy to wear a mask while he robbed you.

The price differential between the States and Europe is very frustrating and has been discussed on SGL quite a bit. I don't know the ins and outs but it probably isn't a case of Celestron or any other manufacturer ripping us off. If you try importing stuff from the US you will find that shipping and import duties hit ithe potential savings pretty hard.

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I added in shipping quoted from the website, the 4.2% duty to be paid on the goods & shipping costs then added the 17.5% vat on that lot that gave me £1931.25 the same scope here would be £2799 inc VAT & Delivery thats a difference of £867.75 There is no additional costs to celestron as I would have paid all transport & import costs. If it isn't down to celestron price fixing why don't they let US based dealers sell here. Its Price Fixing ford got rapped on the knuckles a few years ago for the same practices the only difference being that was between member states of the EU. America wants a global economy and free trade with Europe and the UK then any dealer should be able to sell to whoever they wish. Imagine if the boot was on the other foot can you imagine the stink if a manufacturer here banned its dealers selling a product directly to the American market and had its own network of dealers over there selling at inflated prices. Wouldn't happen the US trade department would put pressure on the UK government to open up free trade. Funny how it never happens the other way round.

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